Total Game Boy


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Ubisoft
Machine: Game Boy Color

Published in Total Game Boy Issue 14

The aliens are coming! Quick, grab a raccoon!


In some areas of the world, K A Applegate's tales of teenagers thwarting an alien invasion by going around turning into animals (not the most original of ideas - a kind of Power Rangers meets Monkey) is a literary hit to rival Harry Potter. So they've made a Game Boy game out of it. Er, whoopsee doo.

Animal Magic

Empowered by their ability to transform into any animal they touch, the five young heroes must use their newly acquire abilities to outsmart the Yeerks, who have captured four microprocessors. These powerful devices are crucial to their plans for human domination. You must retrieve these microprocessors while battling with the Yeerks and their enslaved alien minions, the Taxxons and the Hork Bajirs. In a race against time, players use their morphing power to complete four dangerous missions.

With Johnny Morris

Of course, what with this being the time of peace on Earth and goodwill to all mankind, nobody likes to give a really bad review... but this game is awful!


It's yet another total Pokemon rip-off, but makes the Japanese hit look like a masterpiece in comparison. The tune are all right, but the graphics are totally pitiful, with the four or five pixels in each character making them look more like blobs than anything else. It's a kind of RPG without any puzzles to solve, followed by dull, unimaginative, unavoidable battles that basically come down to pressing A until your brain melts. Moreover the password system is absolutely ridiculous.

Every few seconds you are given a new two-line password that you must memorise unless you want to start the 'adventure' right from the start - surely a save system is the least you can flipping well ask! Sometimes the game design is so awful that you're inspired to play further, just to see how bad it gets. And the answer is... very. Sorry.

Second Opinion

I know it's Christmas, and I know I should be nice, but please! I really have to agree with Jem on this one - terrible blobby graphics, dull gameplay and even the empty-headed characters manage to be irritating!


Wandering aimlessly around the same old houses and gardens, bumping into various dopey aliens or animals and always winning your battles becomes very tiresome very quickly. Hooray for the catchy tunes though!


Graphics 40%
Very bad indeed.

Sound 60%
Could be worse.


Playability 40%
Designed to be annoying.

Lastability 60%
A sizeable adventure.

Overall 60%
Sorry, folks, it's rubbish!