There are 16 levels which are several screens wide and filled with explosives and weapons which you must shoot. When all have been destroyed you make you way to the exit and go to the next level. Inside the mazes there are rebel forces which are out to get rid of your five lives. There's something about this game that makes it incredibly addictive.
Graphics 56%
P. Good use of colour on the backgrounds.
N. At the start of a level you often can't see your tank.
Sonics 78%
P. Brilliant title tune gives an arcade sound.
P. Sound effects are almost musical.
Grab Factor 74%
P. Fiendishly addictive and frustrating in much the same way as Boulderdash.
P. You can skip to later screens when you've mastered the first few.
Staying Power 68%
P. 16 levels of increasing difficulty.
P. Once completed you won't want to play it agam.
Overall 74%
For the price, it's well worth considering.