Your Sinclair

Aliens US Version

Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Alternative
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #52

Aliens US Version

Not to be confused with the British Aliens, which was a more than averagely tedious rushabout with a tiny playing screen and about as much atmosphere as a bus ride.

Aliens US, on the other hand, was Activision's second bite at the cherry, a conversion from the original C64 game that sold oodles across the pond.

Unlike the Brit one, this sticks pretty closely to the movie plot, so you'll often be thanking your lucky stars that you decided to wear those brown cords after all. Aliens US is actually a compendium of six games, all of which are good fun, if not overwhelmingly amazing. First you land your ship, then you hae to being the marines back to your Armoured Personnel Carrier, and then you have to hid behind the sofa - whoops!

There's a nice variety of game types on offer here, with left/right scrolling, plan view and point-of-view styles all making an appearance. Splattering good fun.

Marcus Berkmann

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