Airstrike 2 follows the usual Airstrike pattern - that of a
horizontally scrolled cavern filled with fuel dumps and
nasties, through which the player navigates his Mark X fighter
demolishing as much of the opposition as he can en route.
Although the Mark X is well-armed with missiles and bombs,
it has a lot to contend with. Enemy mines and missiles are plentiful;
and with limited fighter ordnance, fuel and munitions dumps
are essential targets for replenishing on-board supplies.
You are given the option when starting of pressing the "T" key
for combined missile and bomb discharge capability - otherwise,
the instructions say, the space bar must be pressed to
release your bomb-load. I found the program defaulted to the "T"
option in any event.
A one- or two-player game, Airstrike 2 is a good example of
its kind. The graphics are nicely detailed and well complemented
by colour. If you haven't tired of the idea, Airstrike 2 should
satisfy your appetite for quite a while.