Air Diver

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Paul Rand
Publisher: Sega
Machine: Sega Genesis

Published in Computer & Video Games #103

Air Diver

The world of the future is a war-torn place. Battles erupt at even the most minuscule provocation and, with the technology available, things can and do get pretty hairy out there. So it's a good job that you, brave pilot, have just got your hands on the latest fighter plane available - the F-119.

It's the most potent killing machine every produced, stacked with a plethora of weapons and guidance systems. Mind you, it's okay having a classy craft, but with the amount of enemies which you have to deal with, and the number of countries in need of your assistance (nine in all, from Australia to North America) you're going to need all your wits, skill and sheer determination if you fancy your chances at tackling the instigator of all this global violence! Good luck, and may God (and a nifty trigger finger) go with you.


We saw the screenshots for this After Burner derivative a couple of months ago, and were amazed. We read the blurb which came with the pics and were astounded. Now we've got the finished article and we're... pretty cheesed off actually, because Air Diver isn't nearly as good as it's been made out to be.

The problem doesn't lie with the graphics - no, they're very good indeed, with large metallic enemy sprites and a great cockpit display. The trouble with Air Diver is the fact that everything moves far, far too quickly! It's very difficult to follow what's going on, making for frustrating and ultimately dull gameplay, as it's a real chore to get through even the early levels.

And later on things just get virtually impossible, making it very frustrating and not enjoyable at all. One of the few Megadrive games to avoid, unfortunately - After Burner blasts it out of the sky.

Paul Rand

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