After Burner

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Sega
Machine: PC Engine (JP Version)

Published in Computer & Video Games #109

After Burner

Here at C&VG, we were expecting the next Ice Age to arrive before After Burner was finally released on the PC Engine! Well, hush our mouths because it's finally here - and it isn't bad at all. If you feel the need for speed then After Burner certainly dishes it out in copious quantities, especially when you open the throttle right up! The 3D is really good, with a really nice turn of speed. It gets a bit glitchy at times, but it could be far worse. The sound isn't bad either with decent rock tracks and all the speech of the arcade version.

The problem is that the game lacks that exhilarating buzz that the arcade version and the Megadrive game gave you. Somehow the screen feels cramped and dodging missiles seems more down to luck than anything else. Overall, though, After Burner's a decent blast and if you had the hots for the arcade game, it's well worth looking up.

PC Engine

After Burner fans will lap this all up, but other punters may want to give it a miss.