I don't know why, but sometimes I find the in-built control
keys in a game a bit awkward. It's a bit like riding a bike
with the saddle set for someone a bit taller than yourself.
You may get to your destination eventually, but it's not a
very comfortable ride. And that's the first thing I liked
about this program: I could change the control keys.
I have seen a few of these snake games, and this is not
very different. The object is to collect gold nuggets with the
odd gemstone thrown in. Occasionally the blue snake on the
screen drops an opal which, if you are quick enough, is yours
for the taking. Initially, there are four snakes, besides
the blue one, on the screen, but the number increases to
eight as the game progresses. Because the other snakes are
surrounded by the gold nuggets you have to avoid releasing
them, but of course the blue snake will.
Action is quite smooth, and the game not as easy as it first
appears. Although I didn't find it addictive I could
certainly while away a couple of hours playing Adder Attack.