Big K


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Melbourne House
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #6


ACOS+ doesn't exactly speed up cassette loading but it certainly makes life easier. It enhances the cassette filing system (ACOS stands for Advanced Cassette Operating System), making it operate in a similar fashion to a disc - although it still retains the snail-like qualities of C64 loading.

Part of the reason for discs being so fast is that they keep a catalogue of files on the first sector, so that they can move quickly to the requested file. ACOS+ does much the same thing. It looks at its catalogue and then lets you fast-wind the tape to the position of the file you've asked for.

Of course, you still have to press the fast-forward button, but because the computer has control of the cassette motor, it can stop when it reaches the right program.

In addition to this, you get a whole load of new commands.

Then we come to the BASIC extensions. They operate like normal keywords and give some very nice control over sound and sprite graphics.

All in all, a nice package. The only point against it is that no program will work unless ACOS+ is installed, so forget about any ideas of using it to make a killing on the games market.

Other Reviews Of ACOS+ For The Commodore 64

ACOS+ (Melbourne House)
A review by D.C. (Home Computing Weekly)