ZX Computing

Abacus Games Pack 2

Categories: Review: Software
Author: James Walsh
Publisher: Abacus
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in ZX Computing #7

Abacus Games Pack 2

There are four games on this cassette: Nine Lives, Bulls Tables, Candyman and Target. It is a mixed bag in more than one sense.

Nine Lives is a cat and mouse game, in which you must catch as many of the stationary mice as you can whist evading the dog (who will eat you) but save the mice by carrying them to safety. Though the principle is simple, it is original and fun to play. The graphics are not quite crowd-stopping but are good; this is quite a good games pack type game.

The second program is called Bulls Tables in which you must answer ten sums of selectable type (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and difficulty, otherwise the bull will escape from his field and eat you. The graphics are very good with a little man running around the screen picking up and depositing numbers. The idea of having an angry bull trying to get out is, educationally, very good, as it keeps peope (yes, people not just kids) interested. Unfortunately, this is a typical example of it being more fun, graphically, to lose than win, as the bull runs around the screen and eats your numbers. Apart from this last point, it is a good game.

Candyman is a game for two players playing separately, in which each player must run from the lower platform to the top without being hit by a piece of psychedelic scaffolding; if successful then you have to get your next man up. Again this game is original and often quite difficult (it is probably the best on the tape) though the graphics are a little disappointing. It is definitely fun and more addictive than many 'games pack' games.

Finally, there is Target, which deserves last place, as it is very predictably a game of shooting the ducks, etc, as they go across the top of the screen. The graphics are quite good but the rifle is so far away that absolutely no skill is possible.

Overall, this games pack is good but not the best. It is fun but it is not all particularly well-written. Bulls Tables is the odd one out in as much as it should be on an educational pack. However, quite a fun set of programs.

James Walsh

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