Home Computing Weekly

3D Skramble

Categories: Review: Software
Author: M.W.
Publisher: Livewire
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #102

Yes folks, you guessed it, here's a revamped version of that old favourite. In case some of you haven't played Skramble, you pilot a space craft and must fly through a series of caves destroying missiles, fuel dumps, etc. The last of the six stages contains the power complex which must be destroyed. As you progress, your fuel supply falls. This can be replenished by bombing fuel dumps.

This version uses diagonal scrolling similar to Zaxxon and Blue Max to give the 3D effect. You fly down canyons and a feeling of depth is given by each object casting a shadow. The size of shadow changes with the object's height above the ground. Your passage is impeded by missiles, flying saucers and fire balls which must be shot or avoided.

In light of the lack of originality of the plot, the value of this game hinges on the implementation. In fact the 3D effect isn't too bad. The scrolling tends to be a little jerky which does reduce the effect but overall things aren't too bad. The fuel dumps and other objects are nicely drawn with a good solid feel. The flying objects, such as saucers and fire balls, flash with pretty colours and are formidable obstacles. The background music is reasonably well arranged but I found myself turning it off after a while.

Overall, not a great game but at the price, not bad.


Other Reviews Of 3D Skramble For The Commodore 64

3D Skramble
A review by Bob Chappell (Personal Computer News)

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