This game incorporates defined depth superfast alpha-beta pruning coupled with an ultra-refined static position evaluator and a ruthless killer heuristic. Or so it says in the 'instructions' of the game (loaded before the game proper).
This section is actually mainly trumpet-blowing, presumably designed to blind the player with science so that he is convinced he has a good game no matter how much he hates playing it.
If you understand the opening sentence of this review then the game is probably for you as you presumably have a strong interest in computerised strategy games.
But if you don't understand it you should just ignore it and all of the self-congratulatory preamble, because the game is actually pretty good.
It is fast, has four levels of difficulty of which even Beginner is quite challenging, and plays in real time, so exerts strong pressure. It is easy to input instructions and error-trapping is good.