Acorn User

3D Bomb Alley

Author: Paul Richard
Publisher: Software Invasion
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Acorn User #018

3D Bomb Alley from Software Invasion puts you in charge of defending a fleet of ships. After the title page and instructions have loaded, the main game is loaded.

First, a background graphics screen appears which shows a harbour surroudned by hills, cliffs and blue sky. When loading is completed, the game announces itself with a tune.

To play the game, you have to control the sights of an anti-aircraft gun and shoot down appraoching enemy bombers. I found it easy to use the keyboard contrls and in no time was hitting planes. When the game begins, you have three ships in the harbour and are awarded a new ship for every ten planes hit.

3D Bomb Alley

At first, the planes approach one at a time and are easy to destroy, but as the game develops more planes appear... and then your problems start. If you fail to destroy a bomber, it wll drop its deadly cargo and sink one of your ships. The game is over when all your ships have been sunk.

The ships and planes are well defined, with the planes increasing in size and definition as they draw nearer. They first appear as dots, but soon take shape. The aircraft drone matches the graphics and gets louder as the planes approach the ships.

Keyboard options include sound on/off and a freeze game key, always useful. One minor bug is that if a plane is destroyed at the side of the screen, the explosion spills off screen and re-appears on the opposite side, which detracts from the realism of the game.

That point aside, I found 3D Bomb Alley an enjoyable game which is well presented and should provide a few hours of fun.

Paul Richard

Other Acorn Electron Game Reviews By Paul Richard

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