If you want to approach the subject of computer programming in a disciplined and methodical fashion then this book, which has been produced in conjunction with the BBC series, is almost certainly a recommended buy. You don't really need a micro to complete the course, although one would be helpful, and the book is not specifically related to the BBC Micro... a special version is also available for the Sinclair ZX81.
If you like your approach to computer to be light-hearted, this book will probably not appeal. Also, its approach means that as well as learning the ins and outs of BASIC programming, you will learn to write clear and logical programs, something that happens all too seldom.
Other Reviews Of 30 Hour Basic For The BBC Model B
30 Hour Basic (Microtrust) A review by David Graham (Beebug)
BBC Model B Version
This won't appeal to you if you like your text light-hearted, but it will teach you how to write clear and logical programs - something that happens all too seldom.
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