Stunning graphics for a cheapo game. You blast off in a space-craft to one of four planets where you have to pick up a number of nuclear pods. This involves manoeuvring the craft very delicately until it's close enough to activate a tractor beam.
Accidental contact with the planet terrain is fatal, and so is being hit by a regularly passing flying saucer or by the slow-firing planet defence guns. The game has a great feel to it because of the way the craft is controlled - rotate left, rotate right and thrust, as in Asteroids or Lunar Lander. There are also some cool sound effects.
Each of the planets and the home base consist of a scrolling, wrap-around scenario. The planets include caverns, some of which are very tricky.
Should you clear all four, you get to try the final stage which is an even more difficult cavern from which a fusion core must be picked up. It had my pulse racing, that bit. If you make it, level two is the same except with negative gravity, making it harder still.