Here we go - another final conflict in which you have to pulverise millions upon millions of the adversary, fighting for Truth, Freedom and the
American Way.
The year is 1943 and the Japanese
have the Midway Islands under control, Strategically, these islands
provide the key to Pacific domination.
Needless to say, you consider
these islands your own, and are
willing to prove this with something
a bit more substantial than a pointed stick. So off you go in your trusty
P38 flying thing, with loads and
loads and loads of bullets and some
novel technology. This latter allows
your P38 to have higher shooting
capabilities and be completely overhauled in mid-air. Pretty novel stuff,
since adhesive technology wasn't as good 40 years ago as it is today.
You are away with a large cloud of
fumes and oodles of noise, to be
greeted by a squadron of Zeroes hell
bent on making your name appear
as low down the high score table as
possible. With the Aiieeeee's of the fallen Japanese flyers still ringing in
your ears, you face a wave of large
red aeroplanes intent on aerobatics.
But they didn't reckon on you
coming Out of the sun with your twin
half-inch machine guns chattering.
Destroy all the aerobatics planes
and you get a bolt-on goodie - it
could be an overhaul, superbullets,
fan bullets, fan superbullets, rapid
fire or auxiliary planes. All of these
ensure that nobody is going to get
past you, unless you let them.
Little Zeroes are not all we get -
we get big planes, which take plenty
shots to kill, and warships with intelligent gun turrets. Both of these
want to see how many holes they
can make in a P38 before it forgets
how to fly.
We've got the obligatory smooth
scroll of a narrow screen, add on
weapons, and we've even got a few
smart bombs - all we need now is
three lives. More realistically than
usual, we only have the one life, which dwindles until we get a refit or
POW token. Once the little energy
bar is no longer with us, neither are
The Pacific war hinges on you -
can you make it swing your way?
Will the battleship Yamato be destroyed, or will Ford become part of Mitsubishi and USA Ltd part of
Japan Inc? Is 1943 all it is cracked up
to be?
The first two questions are up to
you to answer - the answer to the
third is yes.