Mr. Do! (0000) (Apple II)

Available For:
Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/130XE, Atari XE Console/800XL/130XE, BBC B/B+/Master 128, Coleco Vision Games System, Commodore 64, Game Boy, Spectravideo 328 & Spectrum 128K/+2/+3

Tags: cult, maze, wizard, linear, cherry, arcade, tunneling, 400, c64, spectrum 128k, apple ii, 600xl, atari 800xl, 2600, colecovision, spectravideo 328, 130xe, spectrum +2, spectrum +3, game boy, atari xe, game boy color, atari 800
Publisher: Datasoft
Author(s): -
On-Screen Language(s): English
Genre: Unknown Genre Type
Items: Mr. Do! (Datasoft, 5.25" Disc)

Screenshots (1)

Mr. Do! Loading Screen For The Apple II

Mr. Do! is Thing ID 103813 in our database.

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