The Thirty-Nine Steps ===================== Introduction ------------ Not content with having turned his attentions to the likes of Kidnapped and Treasure Island, Jack Lockerby has now penned his own version, albeit in the form of a tribute, to yet another great tale. This time around it is the turn of the legendary Thirty-Nine Steps to receive the "Lockerby" touch and a very fine job of it he has done as well. The Story So Far ---------------- Your name is Richard Hanway, a retired mining engineer, bored with having a life of inactivity in London. That is all about to change when one evening in early May an American named Scadder, who lived in the flat above your own, suddenly bursts into your living-room with an unbelievable tale of killers, spies and murder!!! He is in such a state that you allow him to take refuge in your flat. Over the next couple of days he tells you about a secret organisation known as "The Black Stone" and about a little black book pinpointing the location of their headquarters - the book was written in code of course! Returning late one evening, from your club, you find the American lying an the floor of your flat - dying of stab wounds. The only course open to you to continue the fight against Scadder's murderers and, as the circumstances surrounding his death could make you the logical suspect, you resolve to journey to Scotland the very next day. After all, had Scadder not already informed you that the anarchists have a "hide-out" there? Unbeknown to you, however, there are two men watching your flat. Are they the killers??? It will be up to you to discover the truth behind this and many other puzzling situations ... Are you up to the challenge??? Notes ----- Should you wish to converse with any of the characters you may encounter then simply SAY HELLO before acting upon their replies by pressing either A or B on the keyboard. Should you be lucky enough to gain possession of a watch then a simple TIME or T will inform you of the correct time of the day ... regardless of whether it is AM or PM. This adventure is played in real time, so events will continue to occur even if you do nothing! Bear this in mind and make good use of the SAVE and RAMSAVE facilities present. The game will recognise all the standard "inputs" and will allow the use of such commands as GET ALL and PUT ALL. Use RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD to store a game position in memory but always use the standard SAVE and LOAD in order to make a more permanent record of progress. Hints ----- Climb on something in order to find a source of light ... try the bedroom cabinet.