The Secret Of Little Hodcome ============================ Introduction ------------ It was quite a surprise when the letter arrived informing you of your inheritance, especially since you had long forgotten about the distant relative who had left it to you. However the idea of nice little cottage in the country had a certain 'ring' to it and you were looking forward to seeing the place and looking it over. For the next few days you busied yourself in the local library, reading up on the district of the country where the cottage was and learning as much as possible of the local history of the place. Though to be quite honest you were a shade surprised to find that very little seemed to be known about the hamlet of Little Hodcome. Eventually the morning dawned of the day upon which you were to travel to Little Hodcome and after a light breakfast of coffee and toast you set out to meet the estate-agent, who had promised to await your arrival at the cottage. Notes ----- This program will accept all the standard commands such as EXAMINE, SEARCH, TAKE, DROP, ENTER as well as the more unusual 'RAM SAVE' and 'RAM LOAD'. Use the latter to save a game position to and from memory (instant recall) however always use the more normal SAVE and LOAD in order to make a more permanent record to tape. Hints ----- If it is too dark to see you will either need a lantern (lit) or else you will simply have to feel your way around. Also make sure you take note of everything that is told you and that you utilise all you will learn. Discover the source of the 'evil' force that pervades the hamlet of Little Hodcome. Learn how to put a halt to its awesome powers and set free the villagers from its grasp. Find the ONLY man who can tell you the dark secrets you will need to know to defeat the 'evil' force and cast it from the land .....