Impact ====== Introduction ------------ Most of us worry about some 'danger' or other ... flood, tempest, storm, car-crash etc. But very few of us are even aware of a very great danger that lurks above our heads. In the vast blackness of space numerous 'chunks' of rock are hurtling about on seemingly pointless journeys and even as you read this one or two of them will be entering the Earth's outer atmosphere to be burnt up in a ball of flame. However some of the larger of these 'chunks' are quite capable of making the journey to the surface of the Earth .... and remaining intact enough to cause some considerable damage. These 'chunks' take on the form of 'meteoroids' and 'asteroids' and one of them was the catalyst that brought about the downfall of the age of the Dinosaur, so their power to inflict damage should be taken seriously. Over the years many of these have caused scientists to rack their brains in an attempt to construct some sort of 'fail-safe' device with which to prevent their arrival on Earth. Much has been tried, from I.C.B.Ms to laser beams and on the odd occasion even these have seemed futile against the menace of the speeding asteroid, hell-bent upon making its mark on good old planet Earth. The Story So Far ---------------- A large chunk of rock is presently being plotted across space, on a course to impact with the city of London and the scientists involved in tracking this asteroid are, at this moment in time, actively engaged in seeking out some means at their disposal with which to divert it from its chosen path. A high-intensity laser-beam is tried but to no avail and then, just when the cause seems lost, news breaks of a 'repelling-beam' machine invented by a now-dead professor. your task is to locate this machine and if possible to utilise it to deflect the asteroid and thus save the city of London from certain destruction... Can you do just that? Notes ----- Use RAM SAVE and RAM LOAD to store a position to memory but always resort to the standard SAVE and LOAD to store a more permanent record on tape. Use the commands FONT 1 and FONT 2 to change between the available typefaces. Use the command QQ to quit your present adventure. Hint ---- Make sure that you handle any "fragile" object with the utmost care and attention.