Fuddo And Slam ============== The Story So Far ---------------- Laden down with gold and with Gullem's ring safely tucked in his pocket, Bulb returned to his comfortable little burrow and decided to settle down and enjoy a more peaceful existence. However, after a few months, boredom set in and, in order to alleviate this, he turned to "boggling", a sport much beloved by Shyre folk. Sadly for Bulbo, he was a very bad player and soon all his golf was gone! Finally, on one "never to be forgotten" day, he wagered Gullem's ring in a last ditch attempt to recover his lost wealth... but sadly lost that as well! He slunk back to his burrow and there he adopted the life of a recluse... The tale continues... Can you answer the following questions? If so, then perhaps you will be able to assist Fuddo to accomplish his task and to locate the missing ring? 1. What do Benny and the bear have in common? 2. Why are the TROLLS so bad tempered? 3. How many uses has one piece of STRING? 4. What will bring "Peace" to the WAR-ZONE? 5. Who is "Ekim Drarreg"? 6. What will make T.O. happy? Find the answers to these and more and maybe you will be the one to bring the life back to Bulbo once more! On your travels you will encounter many various and different characters, such as Dwarves, Elves, Orcs and Dragons. As well as a few others from more modern times! But your and Fuddo's most useful companion will surely be Slam, so seek him out and talk him into helping. This program will accept all the "standard" commands and more besides! Use RAM SAVE and RAM LOAD for quick "recall", but resort to standard "SAVE and LOAD routines" for a more permanent record of your progress. Hints ----- 1. To get Slam to do things for Fuddo, first get Fuddo to TALK TO SLAM and then when Slam is "listening" just get Fuddo to tell him what to do! (eg. KILL DRAGON or CUDDLE ORC) 2. If you really need help then just ask Slam! (eg. ASK FOR HELP WITH DONKEY) 3. Gullem is an outright coward, so if there is more than one person present he will not show his face! 4. Some "helpful" words ... WORN, SPEAK, GIVE, SEARCH, BACKPACK, TURN, SWAP and the rest I will leave to you! Enjoy the game and good luck and best wishes!