Dragon Quest ============ Introduction ------------ Some dragons are bad and it is even rumoured that some dragons are good but in this kingdom the only 'good' dragon is a 'dead' dragon! Or so the local inhabitants would have you think. For they were the unfortunate ones who had to share their kingdom with one of the 'baddest' dragons of all times ... the infamous Smaegor. Smaegor, the mightiest of dragons, had the nation in a grip of terror. Not only had he stolen the King's 'Staff-of-Office' but he was also doubling his demands in regards to the yearly tribute that was paid to him. This tribute (to use the word very loosely) was normally paid in gold but this time around Smaegor wanted *twice* as much of the stuff as normal. Failure to agree to his demands could only lead to the destruction of all crops and the burning of many fine homes .. for this was always how it went when the demands of a dragon went unheeded!! Not only that, but Smaegor had vowed to do some totally 'unmentionable' things with several fair maidens of the kingdom. Naturally many brave men volunteered their services in an attempt to thwart Smaegor'S plans, in fact you were one of the first to approach the King. However you were not considered to be a serious candidate for the position - lacking in moral fibre, were the words used by some of the courtiers! However all this was to change in the space of a few short weeks and you were ordered to appear in front of the King. It seemed that you were now the only able-bodied person left in the kingdom ... Smaegor had disposed of all the others!!! The King informs you that you are the last hope of the nation and that if you fail then the future would indeed be bleak. For there was simply not enough gold in the Treasury to satisfy the greed of Smaegor and without that gold all would be lost. Glancing down at the floor the King mumbles something about you needing to return with the lost staff in order to prove you had defeated the beast and then shuffles away to leave you to embark upon your journey. So with a brave face you set out the very next morning. You soon find yourself at the northern gateway - ahead lies uncharted territory. Your only possession being a cloak that the King had thrust into your hands before he shuffled off into the shadows... Notes ----- The game will accept all the standard inputs such as EXAMINE, LOOK, SAVE, and LOAD. However it will also accept one or two more obscure commands TRANSLATE, RIDE and LOOK BEHIND. Use the command PUT ALL INTO RUCKSACK to save on space. Whilst a routine to save your position to ram is included in the game it is advisable to save to tape or disk if you wish to keep a permanent record of your progress through the game.