Ramire The Vampire Part 1 ========================= Introduction ------------ Ramire, a 500-year-old vampire, lives in a small castle in the wastelands of Transylvania, between the Peak of the Steak, the Hill of the Pill and the Mountain of the Fountain (province of Badajoz). Ramire has a daughter, Minna the Slaughter, who got vampirized when she was still a teenager. In the first chapter ("Ramire The Vampire Ain't Got A Break!", Ramire has forgotten his daughter's Deathday. She is furious and has decided not to let her father get back to his coffin until he brings her a "proper present". Unfortunately, that means that if he cannot find a "proper present" before the day breaks, he will be killed by the scorching rays of the sun. She wants The Rapture Treasure. To get it, you must go to the chamber on the eastmost side of the moors surrounding Ramire's manor. The chamber is firmly shut and can only be opened using magic. Twitch the Witch, a good old friend of Ramire's, has informed Ramire that she will be able to perform such spell, but she needs the legendary German Talisman, an old jewel split in four sections, each one hidden in a different crypt full of traps: the crypts belonging to the families of Hwang the Fang (an old schoolfriend of Ramire's), Elegant Giant (a big guy with spectacles), Barf the Dwarf (the hideous and smelly short man) and Grant, the Servant. The main problem is that Ramire is a vampire, so the sun will reduce him to ashes in a blink of an eye! Luckily, Twitch the Witch can perform a Rearm Charm on you which can make you walk under the sun for just a minute before getting burned, so be quick and look for shelter! The Game -------- Control Ramire and help him achieve success in his mission. Once you get the rearm charm, you will be able to go outside in the daylight, but not for long... Check the time remaining in the status bar - when it gets to zero, Ramire will start burning! There are traps in the crypts containing the four sections of the German Talisman. Once the traps are activated, you have to collect all the crosses for them to deactivate. Beware of the evil bat! Note: Be sure to check the game's messages, they will give you various hints! Game Credits ------------ Game: The Mojon Twins (Anjuel, na_th_an, jf_jara) 1-bit Sfx: created using BeepFX's example project by Shiru. Powered by La Churrera 4.6 by The Mojon Twins and splib2 by Alvin Albrecht. Uses aPPack decompressor by dwedit, adapted by Utopian & optimized by Metalbrain Music tracks composed in Beepola. Testing: Neil Parsons and Metr. Ramire The Vampire is #12 in the Pretujao Collection.