Hysteria ======== Introduction ------------ The future depends on you changing the past. As sole survivor of the once elite "time corps", you have been chosen by the federation of law and order to thwart an evil conspiracy. You are to be transported by molecular disruption to combat the enemy as it leaps closer. The locals are not keen on time warriors and evil monsters popping up out of nowhere and they get upset. Luckily, you are carrying an energy conversion kit which, if used correctly, changes ordinary objects into a powerful array of stunningly useful mega-utilities. Be careful though, some of them only last a short while. Destroying certain hostile characters and objects may leave behind a clue as to the identity of one of the conspirators which must be collected; once exposed the entity will be forced to make an appearance in that time zone in order to destroy you and the evidence. You must weaken the monstrosity and force it to retreat from whence it came and continue your task in another era. Playing The Game ---------------- You have only a limited energy supply which is depleted each time you are hit, but is restored on each level. Use your shield with care. Collect lemons or worms by walking or flying over them; this will enable you to select a different weapon if you so desire. To activate the current weapon type (indicated by an arrow above the icons) pull down and press fire. The icon will then flash; you may have a certain combination of different weapons (but some cancel each other out). If 'fly' has been selected, you may take-off by first pulling down and then pushing up. When you have collected all the pieces and the face has been completed, then the Primeval Entity will appear and you will have to destroy him by continuously firing whatever weapons are at your command. Once destroyed, you will be transported to the next time period. Good luck. Time waits for no-one!