Metal Man Reloaded ================== Plot ---- New York, near future. Crime groups united in powerful networks. Machines and new technologies came to the aid of a mafia. Fight against a crime is extremely difficult as the mafia is under the care of the authorities. Some police stations which haven't accepted new system, continue to work underground, throwing down a challenge to crime and authorities. In one of them there is a desperate cop Matthew Cranston, better known as METAL MAN. Matthew has to execute many difficult missions to liquidate mafia clans and in the final to battle with the main enemy - the godfather of a mafia Frank Slayer. Matt is helped by two workmates: Linda Hart who guide he, and Michael Kroun, the I.T. specialist. Gameplay -------- Game consists of 5 levels. At each level it is necessary to carry out the certain task. Main character is disturbed by enemies - robots of various classes. Destroy them or run away from them. Level 1. Abandoned building Collect all parts of a control chip. Find the computer and upload the virus (the right part of the building). Go to an exit. Level 2. Junk yard It is necessary to find the armory hidden on a junk yard. For this purpose you must collect a code for the crane, and also solve some more problems. Level 3. Bombs in two buildings During a performance of the mission at first there is a countdown to explosion of the first bomb, then - the second. Deactivation of bombs is a special task. Besides, Matt has to reach on the motorcycle from the first building to the second, going round obstacles. Level 4. The robot plant To stop production, it is necessary to destroy three control terminals. Level 5. Frank Slayer's skyscraper The final enemy - Frank himself. At each level there are secrets. Their finding isn't obligatory, but can be useful. Besides, solving of all secrets of level multiplies the points. Collected Objects ----------------- At each level there are the objects which finding is obligatory for game passing. They are unique for each level. For example, at the first level it is parts of a control chip. Besides, at each level there are the standard useful objects which collecting isn't a task of game, however without them it would be impossible to pass game. Such objects are: Armor-piercing bullets - are twice more powerful than the usual. The first-aid kit - completely restores health. Shield - works some time, protecting absolutely from everything. Additional life - it can be found only in hiding places. Hourglass - resets the countdown to bomb explosion (on level 3). Game Indicators --------------- The main game indicators are displayed on the panel in the bottom of the screen. Health It is displayed as a strip with divisions; total loss of health leads to death (life loss). Lives (attempt) Are displayed in the field, visually connected with a health strip; at death one life is lost, and level begins with a starting point. Loss of all lives leads to 'game over', and the 1st level is loaded. Weapon indicator To the left of lives. Shows a charge of the main weapon, or quantity of armor-piercing bullets (if they are). Indicators used at current level Six squares in the left part of the blue screen, empty at the beginning of the first level. Show some information necessary at current level: at level 1 - collected pieces of chip; at level 2 - collected objects and symbols of a code; at level 3 - countdown to bomb explosion; at level 4 - the destroyed terminals; at level 5 - parts of a key from a final door. Messages from Matt's workmates and from the main antagonist, Frank Slayer, are displayed on the blue screen. Statistics indicators, such as quantity of the gathered points and the solved secrets, are shown after end of each level. Main Menu --------- The main menu is shown after loading: 1. Keyboard 2. Sinclair (joystick) 3. Kempston (joystick) 4. Cursor (joystick) 5. Options Press the specified key to select menu item. Keys 1-4 choose control type, and game automatically begins. Be attentive: opportunity to choose control type anew is absent. If it is necessary to change Options (item 5), it must be done before a choice of control type. Key 5 opens the additional menu of Options: 1. Skill level 2. Clouds 9. Return to main menu Skill level can be chosen between "Hard" (default) and "Unreal". Clouds can be chosen "Dynamic" (move), "Static" (stand still) and "No" (clear sky). The second and third options will a little increase game speed. Hints ----- 1. If Matt desperately goes on the shooting enemy, his bullets sometimes can pass by. It can be used. 2. Don't engage in close combat with the big walking robot - thus it is impossible to manage to sit down under its shots. Besides, at its destruction at a short distance, hit of splinters is inevitable. 3. Especially be afraid of the smallest robots which contacts take away a lot of health. If such robot too close, and you don't manage to destroy it - run away! 4. Use "Shield" for fast destruction of the enemies, who don't allow to pass further. Choose the shortest ways for the period of activity of "Shield" and don't spend in vain armor-piercing bullets. 5. Look for secrets - many of them will help with game passing. Game Credits ------------ Story, Graphix, Code, Music: Oleg Origin Testing, Loading screen creation assistance, Inspiration & support: Stella Aragonskaya (C) 9713 Oleg Origin & Stella Aragonskaya This game is the advanced remake of the game METAL MAN (Oleg Origin, 1997)