Rommel's Revenge ================ Introduction ------------ Full machine code programming brings all the speed and excitement associated with this all time favourite arcade classic. Playing The Game ---------------- You sit at the controls of an advanced battletank, looking out on the battlefield of the future. Your mission is to contain the armoured spearhead of the enemy strike force rolling relentlessly forward across the plain before you. The enemy's remote controlled tanks are of two types, their standard battle tanks and the deadly super tanks. These are both controlled from the enemy's mobile fire control saucers, which may be seen moving low over the battlefield. A direct hit on a saucer will force it to retire from the battlezone and fly away to safety. The various objects scattered around the plain can be used as cover, as shells fired at them will detonate on impact and leave them undamaged. The most dealy weapon which will be employed against your tank is an air-launched, terrain following anti-tank missile. These will appear ahead of your tank and zig-zag towards you, skipping over any objects in their path. These missiles must be destroyed before they reach your tank, as they never miss their targets. Good luck!! Game Controls ------------- The controls of your tank are all fully redefinable, and are selected according to the screen instructions within the program. You may also use joysticks (See screen instructions). Scoring ------- Tank 1,000 points Super tank 2,000 points Anti-tank missile 3,000 points Saucer 5,000 points Bonus tank awarded at 12,000 points. Loading ------- CLOADM (ENTER) The game runs automatically after loading is complete.