Hide And Seek ============= The Story So Far ---------------- Over the years Alfred had begun to reach the conclusion that there was something "magnetic" about a cup of hot, steaming dandelion tea. After all, every time he sat down with one there would be a knock on his front door and somebody totally unexpected would be standing there when he opened it. As luck would have it this time would prove no different ... No sooner had the cup of tea settled on the arm of his favourite chair than there was sharp "tap" on the door to his humble but comfortable abode. Switching off his wireless, with a grumble of "Only two minutes to kick-off as well!!", Alfred shuffled towards the door and reluctantly swung it open. There before him stood Dido, the local school-mam, an air of distress hanging about her person. As she wiped away the copious tears that ran down her cheeks she related her tale to Alfred. It seemed that the wicked witch Hedda had taken it upon herself to bring a halt to the education of the local children and to that end she had stolen ALL the letters of the alphabet. Without them Dido was unable to teach the children and to make matters worse Hedda had threatened to scatter the letters far and wide ... The Tale Continues ------------------ Being the kind considerate soul that he was, and had always been, Alfred instantly said he would undertake the task of searching out the missing letters. As a smile returned to the cheeks of Dido she told Alfred that he would need to be at his most astute as Hedda had converted many of the letters to another "form" and that he would need to use this magic wand to convert them back again - handing him a small stick-like object as she spoke to him. She also passed him a small school satchel - informing him to use that to store the letters in once he had located them. So it was that Alfred set out on his quest... Notes ----- This game will recognise all the standard commands such as EXAMINE, TURN, CLIMB etc but will also accept such inputs as THROUGH, SQUEEZE and PROP. Some acceptable and very useful abbreviations are ... AA=AGAIN, SQ=SQUEEZE and TH=THROUGH. Use the commands SAVE and LOAD to store a position to TAPE or DISK, and RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD to store one in MEMORY. P.S Edwina expresses her thanks to the likes of Larry, Jenny and Karen but the true heroes of the play-testing are John and Terry - without whom you would not have been able to do half the things you can do now ... After all, if you can climb out of a well when carrying something then surely you should be able to climb in carrying the same object??? Or is that just nit-picking (to quote a famous luminary)?? Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER)