Action Pack 1 ============= Show Jumping ------------ Your aim is to complete a course within the time allotted and with the minimum number of faults. To start the clock you must pass through the beam on the start game and similarly at the end to finish the round. Single Player: You choose your course and level of difficulty. This is essentially a practice and skill improvement mode. Multi Player: In a multi-player game, a course will be selected for the competition. The competitor who completes the course with the minimum number of faults will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the competitors will enter a 'jump-off' upon a more difficult course selection. Should there still be a tie within this course, the competitor who completed in the shortest time will be declared the winner. Initially you will be presented with a map of the course, detailing fence layouts. A 'Horsehead' indicator at the top centre of screen indicates the direction (L or R) of the next fence you must jump, you approach the fence at your selected pace, adjusting your position to make the jump as detailed below. To successfully jump a fence your angle of approach must exactly align with the angle at which the fence is set. Show Jumping Game Controls -------------------------- To move: There are twelve directions (angles) of movement selected Joystick: Angle/Direction L < * > R 1 move One move left rotates you one angle left One move right rotates you one angle right Speed: 4 levels - stand, walk, trot, canter accelerate - move forward decelerate - move backward Move sideways: accelerate and left decelerate and right Press R to retire at any point. Show Jumping Scoring -------------------- 1st, 2nd and 3rd receive rosettes Fence down ... 4 faults Refusals 1 ... 3 faults Refusals 2 ... 6 faults Refusals 3 ... Disqualification Time limit is 100 seconds. Overrunning is automatic disqualification. Match Fishing ------------- The aim of the game is to make the heaviest catch of fish as possible in a set period of time, against other playing opponents. There are many fish of many different sizes to be caught in the lake; they respond to different baits, can only be landed if the fishing line and hook sizes are appropriate and are more easily caught with the correct rod and reel, assuming you've baited at the right depth of water. Sound complicated? Well, it's meant to be a challenge, but as you make the correct decisions, the excitement of making a catch is very rewarding. At the end of the period, each player's catch weight is totalled and the winner declared. Match Fishing Game Procedure ---------------------------- Upon loading and running, select the number of players and select the playing time. The peg from which you are fishing will be given and its swim (the area of water) conditions will be listed in order that you can select your tactics and tackle. Match Fishing Features ---------------------- Rod - Role, Float, Ledger Water - Shallow, Mid-depth, Deep Reel - Fixed spool, Centre-pin Bait - Maggot, Caster, Bread, Bloodworm, Hempseed, Worm, Boilies, Luncheon Meat, Sweetcorn Fishing line strength - 2lb, 3lb, 4lb, 6lb, 8lb, 10lb Hook size - 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Casting strength - Strong, Medium, Weak Match Fishing Game Controls --------------------------- When all players' tactics and tackle are selected, sit back and wait for a fish to take your bait. When your peg flashes, strike quick to secure your fish and the screen will then change as you've yet to land it. Hit space as the fish takes your bait. Not had a bite? If the fish aren't biting then you can reassess your tactics and change your tackle and bait. T - Change tackle, P - See peg description, M - Pause and restart, Q - Terminate game Son Of Blagger -------------- Age 11 Plus Join our now famous son, Slippery Sid, as he carries out his antics on a new trail of adventure in the Spectrum Security HQ. Still working undercover in the dark world of espionage, Sid has to collect the hidden golden keys from each of the rooms in this massive security complex. Help him work his way through the maze of corridors, stairways, ladders, disappearing floors, etc, and plan your route remembering you can only see a small area of the whole complex through your screen "window" at any one time. But don't become too deeply engrossed in thought, because there are plenty of nasty nightwatchmen and flying robot security guards lying in wait to put an end to Sid's daring exploits. Son Of Blagger Features ----------------------- 3 lives Continuous two-way scrolling screen action. Limited air supply. Excellent graphics and super-colour. Son Of Blagger Game Controls ---------------------------- Z - Left, X - Right, SPACE - Jump J/K - Kempston/Keyboard, 1 - Toggle Music, 2 - Toggle Pause, 0 - Abort and Restart Son Of Blagger Scoring ---------------------- 500 points per golden key Air bonus for each completed room. Random bonus of extra lives. Labyrinthion ------------ The basic plot is that you must explore the labyrinth in search of the nine parts of a scroll which gives directions to the exit. The scroll is scattered throughout the five sectors of the labyrinth. However, to pass from sector to sector you need to gather four of either compasses, maps, water bottles or hour glasses; these need to be taken one at a time to that sector's drop point. Once all four have been dropped, the "Sector Key" object will appear somewhere within that sector and, once collected, you will be able to pass from sector to sector. Your task is hampered by various "nasties" (rats, frogs, etc) and colliding with these will lower your energy by varying amounts depending on the type of nasty. You can protect yourself against the most dangerous nasties by collecting the fly swatter, bucket and mouse trap. Once collected, these can be activated by using the selection button. You can also protect yourself by firing one of two weapons which can be selected using the weapon select button. The respective weapons can be replenished from each's own weapon fill point within each sector. Labyrinthion Game Features -------------------------- 256 rooms! Labyrinthion Game Controls -------------------------- Z - Left, X - Right, K - Up, M - Down, L - Fire, P - Pick Up, V - Shield, S - Select, F - Weapon Change, 3+1 - Abort, 5 - Pause Loading ------- All games are loaded by: LOAD"" (ENTER) 128K owners should select 48 Basic and load as above.