================= Vampe: GOTO Vampe ================= A game for ZX Spectrum made in June 2013,By Valdir. This game is my contribute to this computer that had and has a great influence in my life, and i´m glad to see that it still have new software being released nowadays.Keep them coming :) ============== GAME MECHANICS ============== As the name indicates the game is generated by a endless loop of random levels,you virtually never play the same level twice. And the game only ends when you can´t take anymore :) The score system is just so you can keep track of what you´ve done, Each level passed grants +100 points, and each death takes 20 points At top left corner are indications of number of lamps and enemies. =================== CONTROLS AND TRICKS =================== Its all about evading the monsters and turning on all lamps to clear the level. You use the cursor keys to move, and space to restart a new level This is necessary because sometimes the level may be to hard or even impossible to complete. These are the types of monsters: -Random Patrol,just moves in four directions and changes after hitting blocks, don´t take his direction for granted has it changes everytime. -The Chaser,this one is a bit more tricky to evade,you will have to use the blocks between you and him to avoid and trick him. -The red bug is a solid block that kills in touch, so be carefull when passing near it. Note that the sprites are not associated with the monster type. They change everytime the level restarts. =========== TOOLS USED =========== -ZX Basic compiler by Boriel (Excellent! Many thanks for this), -ZX SPIN emulator, -SevenUP GFX creator by Metalbrain. -Hero sprite is from Mojon twins fourspriter tutorial :) Hope you enjoy playing the game.