Ghost Castle 2 ============== The Story --------- In the Castle's doorway, a low voice ushers a warning to Gene. "To aid you in your quest search out the resurrection amulet, but beware of what lurks in the Castle grounds" In the dim moonlight Gene emerges from the Ghost Castle to continue the search for the crypt that contains his lost body. Creatures haunt the night, and block his every move. In the shadows of the dark woods Gene see a disguarded treasure chest, what could it possibly contain? In the dim distance there is a crypt entrance, where does it lead. With trepedation Gene moves towards and peers through the dark doorway, damn there's someone in there blocking the way... Through the gloom, Gene can make out a cloacked figure. Wait no it can't be can it? And he's guarding Gene's only exit how will he get past? I wonder, the treasure chest maybe... Game Features ------------- Gene Woodland Creatures Guardians Collectables Game Contols ------------ Q - Up, A - Down, O - Left, P - Right, SPACE - Fire H to pause Or you may use a Kemptson joystick. Loading ------- Although this is a 48k Spectrum game, it is compatable with the 128K. Credits ------- Coding: CodenameV Graphics: BiNMaN Music: Mister Beep (no drums version)