Bouncing Bomb: Redux -------------------- A freeware game for the 48K ZX Spectrum, by Phil Ruston 1986-2012 (!) This is a remake of my first attempt at a machine code game which I originally made way back in 1986 (it wasn't a commercial release or anything, I hasten to add..:) Gameplay -------- Bounce through 20 deadly levels to reach and destroy the experimental reactor core (which has gone critical, as they do..) Open the door to the next level by hitting the key icons in order (flashing=target). Avoid the spikes and security systems and collect the bonuses. Default controls: O: Left P: Right A: Low bounce Kempston, Sinclair and Cursor joysticks are supported (Fire button is "Low bounce" when using a joystick). Tips/Notes: ----------- You will sometimes have to do things in a certain order to complete a level (or at least make life easier). Holding "low bounce" affects the entire next jump, taken from the point of the bounce, IE: releasing the key afterwards makes no difference. Extra lives can be found in abundance in the secret levels. Where are they? A very keen eye will spot them, but information is also provided in the game... Which leads us to: ------------------ Extra bonus larks! ------------------ Bouncing Bomb doesn't use much RAM so I packed the rest of the Spectrum's mighty 48KB with tenuously linked Random Stuff (tm). Your secondary mission is to reveal and access said stuff. No code hacking is required! (Need a hint to start? Scroll down..) --------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS CREDITS CREDITS CREDITS CREDITS CREDITS CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------- All Code*, GFX, SFX by Phil Ruston 2012 - (*except 'Pucrunch' Z80 unpacker by Maxim, Jeff Frohwein et al.) Thanks to the authors of the following PC apps and utils, used in development of this game: FUSE - Spectrum Emulator PASMO - Z80 assembler ZX-Blockeditor - .tap/.tzx maker Image To ZX Spectrum - .scr image converter Hi to all the V6Z80P owners and retro fans everywhere! ('Vinnie The Vole' originally created by Stuart Ashen, --------------------------------------------------------- Secret stuff hint below... Scroll? Scroll? D BREAK - CONT repeats, 0:1 OK, to get you started - you can type something on the title screen.. It's possible to work out what it is without extra information. .. HINT #1: Listen. .. HINT #2: It's a phrase you might say when you're clueless :) ... HINT #3: First word is THROW Have fun!