Pamela The Zombie Hunter ======================== Gameplay -------- You are a superhero girl who has to battle armies of undead on six levels of action. You are not defenceless, as you can fire balls of energy at living corpes. Don't let the zombie get too close to you, when he grabs you there is no hope left. Sometimes zombies spit with deadly venom-you can avoid it by crouching. On some levels there are another opponents - ravenous rats eager to bite into your flesh. They can be avoided by jumping over them. Time is a factor in your quest. Waste too much time on a level and you'll have to begin it over again. On each level you have to go forward (left or right, it depends of level!). When you cover all the distance, the game proceeds to next level. To make things easier you have four lives. Lose all of them and it's game over. Game Controls ------------- O - Left, P - Right, Q - Jump, A - Crouch, M - Fire The game may also be controlled by joystick (selectable in menu). When the game loads, you will hear music. Press any key to go to game menu. On the menu you can press: 1 - Keyboard control 2 - Joystick control 3 - Read Pamela story 4 - Begin gamw Note: Keyboard control is chosen by default (if you start game without choosing control). Technical Info -------------- While writing this game I used the following programs: Spectrum progs: - Wham The Music Box (menu music) - HQ Edit sampler (aargh sample) PC progs: - TASM (code) - Paint Shop Pro (graphics) - Sevenup by Metalbrain (graphics, great stuff) Game Credits ------------ A Spectrum arcade game written in 100% machine code for The Spectrum Games Compo 2005. This is the first game I've written. Writing a computer game was my dream as a little boy, inspired by the great games of the Eighties that I played on my ZX Spectrum+. Now I did it. Yes, it could be better but I'm quite satisfied with it. Now it's time to return to real life responsibilities. That all. Hope you'll enjoy the game. Spectrum forever! Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER)