INTRODUCTION SCROLLIN is a utility program for the 48k Spectrum enabling the user to display written information on screen in a colourful and attractive smooth scroll. The program can store and display a message of up to 3000 words which can be edited or rewritten with ease. 87 characters are available and will appear on screen in large type with 16 characters per line. Scrollin is extremely easy to use and does not require previous experience with the Spectrum. Simply type in any message, save on cassette for future use and run the display. The display will repeat the message continuously, first scrolling across and then up the screen, until the machine is switched off. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS With ear sockets connected press LOAD, type “scrollin” or “” and press ENTER. Play the tape until the program is loaded. If Scrollin fails to load, rewind the tape, adjust the volume and try again. The program is recorded once on each side of the cassette. VIDEO TAPE TITLES Connect the Spectrum aerial lead to the video recorder Aerial In socket. Tune a spare channel to the Spectrum frequency. If interference is suspected adjust the video recorder frequency slightly and adjust the T.V. to suit. Stop the video tape in the required position. Run the Scrollin display and record the section of display required. NOTES ON USE The MENU will appear on screen, choose the option required and press the option number. Option 1. START FROM SCRATCH is for use only to type in a completely new message. Press 1, wait for PARAGRAPH 1 to appear at the top of the screen, read the instructions listed and start typing. The message can be split into 79 paragraphs with a maximum of 249 characters in each. Keep the paragraphs as short as possible to ease editing. Type the paragraph in as one line, i.e. type right to the end of each line, do not attempt to typeset the words as the extra spaces used will affect the spacing when the display is run. If you finish a word at the end of a line remember to put a space at the start of the next line or the words will appear joined together in the display. Only the single symbols shown on the keys of the Spectrum can be used. For red symbols (full stop, comma, etc.) press SYMBOL SHIFT and the key required. For capitals press CAPS SHIFT and the key required. CAPS LOCK will not work. Do not press CAPS SHIFT and SPACE together as this is the BREAK function and will stop the program. Remember that only 16 characters per line will appear on screen so try to avoid using words longer than 16 letters. IMPORTANT – place at least one space after each punctuation mark. Option 2. LIST will simply list the message in paragraph order to enable the user to note paragraph numbers for editing. Option 3. EDIT use this to edit a message or to add more paragraphs to an existing message. Paragraphs can be deleted entirely. The display will automatically jump over missing paragraphs. So if paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and 9 have been deleted the display will jump from paragraph 5 straight to paragraph 10. Option 4. SAVE MESSAGE place a blank tape in the cassette recorder (wind it past the leader) and follow the instructions on screen. This option will allow the user to verify that the message is securely saved on tape. Option 5. RUN TEST will run the display through just once. Option 6. LOAD MESSAGE will load in a previously saved message. Place your message tape in the cassette recorder and follow the instructions on screen. Option 7. RUN CONTINUOUS DISPLAY will run the display until the Spectrum is switched off – the keyboard will be disabled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MICRO SCROLLIN Displays at text Made 48 K GOLD scroll of up to in U.K. Spectrum 3000 words ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright MICRO GOLD 1984 MICRO GOLD The title and contents of this product 19 Stable Croft are protected by copyright and may not Chelmsford be copied, transmitted, lent or hired in Essex CM1 5YX part or whole.