TAPEā€“SNAP TAPE SNAP is a utility program that enables you to make tape back up copies of 48k Snapshot programs on disc. The program will work with the DISCiPLE (GDOS 3a and above) or the PLUS D (all versions of G+DOS). Insert a blank disc in drive one then LOAD"" and play the tape. The program will then be saved on the disc. Insert the disc version of TAPE SNAP and type LOAD d1"TSNAP" . When prompted, insert the disc with the program you want to back up to tape. After CATing the disc you will be asked for the catalogue number of the Snapshot file. The screen will now be loaded in and a bar of data will be put over a small part of the picture. You can now move this bar to find the best position and then hide it by changing the INK/PAPER colours. The control keys are as follows:- Cursor Up: Move bar up one character space. Cursor Down: Move bar down one character space. Cursor Left: Move bar left one character space. Cursor Right: Move bar up one character space. Key 6: Move bar down one pixel. Key 7: Move bar up one pixel. Key 1: Hide bar by making INK same as PAPER. Key 2: Hide bar by makina PAPER same as INK. When ready, press ENTER and start your back up tape, your Snapshot will now be copied to tape. While the tape version will load and run without the disc interface attached YOU MUST ONLY USE TAPE SNAP TO BACK UP FOR YOUR OWN USE. Published by: INDUG. 34 Bourton Road, Gloucester, GL4 OLE. (C)1988 INDUG All Rights Reserved. The purchaser of this software may make disc copies for his/her own personal use. No copy of this program or it's instructions may be passed to any third party (whether for payment of not) without the written permission of the publisher. If the original tape is sold then ALL DISC COPIES MUST BE ERASED. TAPE SNAP INSTRUCTIONS