============ Super Soccer ============ Document created by rstuart@ukonline.co.uk on 17th Dec 99 for World of Spectrum: http://www.void.demon.nl/spectrum.html Taken from the Ocean compilation 'Game Set and Match'. Super Soccer ------------ We think Super Soccer is the best computer soccer simulation yet. Be Maradonna on screen. You can dribble past opponents, slide tackle, make crosses, even attempt diving headers. But what makes this game outstanding in its own field is the control you can exercise over the ball. No other game allows you to control the strength of your sharp shooting and ball passing like Super Soccer does. So get on the ball in the game of the season. Concept and Design By: R.C.D. LTD. Programmed By: D. J. ANDERSON. Assisted By: C. McLAUGHLAN. Graphics By: D. J. ANDERSON. Produced By: D. C. WARD. (c) 1986 Imagine Software (1984) Limited. Loading ------- 1. Place the cassette in your recorder ensuring it is fully rewound. 2. Ensure that the MIC socket is disconnected and that the volume and tone controls are set to the appropriate levels. 3. If the computer is a Spectrum 48K or Spectrum + then load as follows. Type LOAD""(ENTER). (Note there is no space between the two quotes). The " is obtained by pressing the SYMBOL SHIFT and P keys simultaneously. 4. Press PLAY on your recorder and the game will load automatically. If you have any problems try adjusting the volume and tone controls and consulting Chapter 6 of the Spectrum manual. 5. If the computer is a Spectrum 128K then follow the loading instructions on-screen or in the accompanying manual. Super Soccer ============ The Game -------- Welcome to Super Soccer, the most realistic football simulation yet! Main Menu --------- This has four status boxes on the right hand side showing: Number of players. Level of play. Mode of play. Time of game. Press 'S' to start game. Press 'P' to select the number of players from 1 to 8. Selecting two players automatically selects single game and three players selects tournament mode. Press 'L' to advance the level of difficulty between 1 and 3. Press 'M' to change mode between Tournament, (to play which you can have any number of players), Single game, (played with one or two players) or Practice (played with only one player). Press 'T' to change the total length of a game between 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Press 'C' for Colour Editor. Press 'E' for Names Editor. Colour Editor ------------- The Colour Editor allows you to select any Spectrum colour for the Pitch, Team 1, Team 2 and the Border. Press 'B' to advance the border colour. Press 'P' to advance the pitch colour. Press '1' to advance Team 1 colour. Press '2' to advance Team 2 colour. Press 'Enter' to return to the Main Menu. Names Editor ------------ The Names Editor allows you to define any of the team names used throughout the game. Use arrow keys up and down ('6' and '7') to select team to change. Press 'SPACE' to edit name. Input your new name, which can be up to 9 letters. Use 'DELETE' to erase any mistakes. Press 'ENTER' when finished. Press 'ENTER' to return to Main Menu. N.B. In Tournament if there are say 5 players then these players correspond with the top 5 names on the list i.e. player one is the top name in the list and so on. Controls Editor --------------- There are two status boxes on the right hand side showing. Number of the player currently selecting controls. Current choice of controls. Press 'J' to select joystick from between Sinclair A, Sinclair B, Cursor and Kempston. Press 'D' to define keyboard selection. (You will be prompted for your selection for Left, Right, Up, Down and Kick). Press 'M' to return to the Main Menu. N.B. In Tournament mode this will be replaced by. Press 'T' to return to Tournament page. Press 'ENTER' to allow a second player to select their controls. If it is a single game press 'ENTER' to KICKOFF. Using keyboard it is possible for Player one to select any key but 'H'. If Player two is also using keyboard he may not use 'H' or any key selected by Player one. Playing The Super Soccer Tournament ----------------------------------- NOTE After a game has been played the score card will be displayed in a darker colour. When entering the Tournament the screen will clear and you will be presented with the draw for the first round. All human controlled teams are highlighted in white. From the Tournament page you can press, 'SPACE' to advance, that is play the next game. If there are any humans involved it will go to the Controls Editor. If there are no humans involved the match and its results will be printed up. After a pause it will return to the Tournament page. 'A' will abort the tournament. This will return to the Main Menu. On re-entering the tournament the first round will have been completely re-drawn and no games will have been played. All winning teams will automatically be placed in the next round of the Super Soccer Tournament. N.B. Just as in the Single Game there must always be a winner, so extra time and penalties will be played to accomplish this. Super Soccer Single Game ------------------------ Play against either the computer of a friend. After the full period of time if the score is a draw then 5 minutes of extra time will be played. If after this it is still a draw then there will be a penalty shoot out. Super Soccer Practice --------------------- Use this mode to learn the skills of a Super Soccer champion. Practice dribbling and close ball control. Practice chipping, kicking and driving the ball. You can all also practice throw-ins. No other player will interfere with your practice. N.B. This mode can only be chosen when there is one player selected. Playing Super Soccer -------------------- This game features advanced "Intelligent" joystick control. We list the controls available at your finger tips but suggest that the best way to learn to play is by using the practice mode. The player under your control is indicated by a halo above their head. Your opponent, be it human or the computer, has a halo but in a different colour. Controls -------- Game Display ------------ (See seperate image file SuperSoccerInstructions.jpg) Running ------- If you are running, say from left to right, then: DECELERATE 90 DEGREE 45 DEGREE \ TURN STOP / TURN SAME SPEED \ | / \ | / \|/ DECELERATE ---NO CHANGE--- ACCELERATE /|\ / | \ / | \ / 90 DEGREE \ 45 DEGREE DECELERATE TURN STOP TURN SAME SPEED Your speed is indicated by a blue bar at the top of the status box above your team name. Remember, you will accelerate if you push the joystick in the direction you are facing and decelerate for the reverse directions. Using Fire ---------- No-one in Possession of the ball -------------------------------- Pressing fire when no-one is in possession has no effect as you are automatically given control of the player closest to the ball. Opposing team in Possession --------------------------- If you are close enough to the player with the ball you will do a SLIDING TACKLE. The force of the sliding tackle depends upon your speed. You recieve a PENALTY POINT (see below) and comit a foul (see PLACE KICKS) if you come into contact with the player before the ball. If you are a distance from the player with the ball then pressing fire will cause the halo to be changed to the player next closest to the ball. You are in Possession --------------------- Dribbling with the ball is automatic, there is no need to press fire. The fastest you run the further ahead of you the ball will travel therefore making high speed dribbling tricky. Close precision dribbling will only be possible at slower speeds. Pressing fire increases your force of kick (indicated by the cyan bar at the bottom of the status box). The ball will be kicked with the given force as soon as the player meets the ball. The style of kick depends on how the joystick is being moved. MOVING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT - CROSS \ \ \ \ CHIP ---ORDINARY---- DRIVE KICK / / / CROSS Goal Keeper ----------- The goal keeper can be moved as an ordinary player but also has his own set of controls. If the goal keeper is moving forward then he acts like a normal player. If the 'keeper is stationary then - SIDESTEP UP GOAL | | | | STATIONARY | | | | SIDESTEP DOWN GOAL i.e. moving the joystick at right angles when he is stationary causes the 'keeper to sidestep. When the 'keeper is either stationary or side stepping then pressing fire and moving the joystick issues the following commands. (LEFT HAND GOAL) HIGH LEFT LOW LEFT \ | \ | \ | \| HIGH UP ---STATIONARY-- DIVE AT FEET /| / | / | / | HIGH RIGHT LOW LEFT Throw-Ins --------- Use the joystick to point the ball in the desired direction. Use fire to build up the force, the larger the force the harder the throw. Releasing fire throws the ball. Trapping the ball ----------------- Pressing fire when the ball hits a player under your control (after being kicked by the opposition) causes the ball to be CHESTED DOWN. If not then the ball just bounces off your body. Heading the Ball ---------------- If the ball is in the air and your player is close enough to it then pressing fire will cause him to do either a JUMPING header or a DIVING header, depending upon the state of play. Speed and Energy ---------------- Your energy will increase or decrease depending upon your speed. Running fast causes the energy to decrease while running slow makes the energy increase. When your energy falls to a certain level then your speed will be limited until you build the energy back up. Penalty Points -------------- Every time a player commits a foul he is given a penalty point. One point equals a caution, two a yellow card and three a red card. These are represented in the status area by blue, yellow and red squares. Note: When a player is sent off with a red card he does not return! Penalties --------- Both 'keeper and striker use their normal controls as given. Place Kicks ----------- Free kicks and Corners ---------------------- When a free kick or corner is about to take place a plan view of the entire pitch is displayed and the clock stopped. You now have 30 seconds to place your team anywhere on the pitch. Move your flashing symbol to its desired spot and then press fire to move onto the next player. Pressing fire and holding the joystick in a position will make the player run in that direction when the ball is kicked. Players one and two do this simultaneously. Play recommences after the referee's whistle is blown. Place Kick Display ------------------ (See seperate image file SuperSoccerInstructions.jpg) Kicking The Ball In Dead Ball Situations ---------------------------------------- To allow greater variety of play, controlling the ball at corners, free kicks and penalties is slightly different from normal control. Pressinfg fire increases the energy but until you come into contact with the ball your player will not change direction. When contact is made with the ball, the type of kick depends on the joystick input (detailed below). Once again these controls are transposed for each direction of movement. MOVING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT CHIP LEFT ORDINARY DRIVE LEFT AT 22.5 \ LOB AT 45 / AT 22.5 \ | / \ | / \|/ CHIP STRAIGHT---ORDINARY---- LOW STRAIGHT LOB DRIVE / | \ / | \ CHIP RIGHT / ORDINARY \ DRIVE AT 22.5 LOB AT 45 AT 22.5 RIGHT Hints And Tips -------------- Persevere! it is worth the effort. Use Practice mode to learn the controls. Don't try to run the entire length of the pitch at full speed, you will not make it. Use accelerate and decelerate to confuse the opponent on dribbling runs. Time running up to the ball and kicking (i.e. pressing fire) for maximum effect. Learn the art of passing and moving the ball quickly between your team. The fire button can be used to change the active player within your team.