MANIC MINER 5: Los peligros del LSD (The perils of LSD) This time, Willy had planned everything with much more care. as he wanted this mamooth party to be the greater in hystory, but without the 'slight problem' of the last time, everithing had been organizer with the greater discretion possible, avoiding then that Maria would notice anything at all, Maria, his dominant housekeeper. The best part of his scheme, what would grant Willy´s tranquil sleep without any bothering housekeeper blocking the entry of his bedroom, had been to give her the surprise of a full free week. It is true that he had a lot to achive his goal: her leaving trough a whole week, time she would spend visiting her sister, until finaly she left grumbling because of her suspicions, but hwo cares! In a week he would have all the time in the world to finish with the preparations, to go on the binge at the mamooth party and later snore soundly until he wanted to stop. And still he would have a couple of days to phone a few cleaners who would leave everything in it's place before the dreadful Maria came from her sister´s... Everithing in the party was surpassing the previous espectations, that is: half-naked women running trough the corridors, the giggles of the spree were listened miles away, neighbourghs complaining compulsively and threatening with calling the police... But it is common knowledge that nothing can run perfectly too much time, and things always go wrong at last. After trying to overstep the limits of that booby black-haired woman for the fiveteenth time and after receiving her corresponding fiveteenth slap, Willy felt a certain strange taste when giving the fiveteenth drop from the unique gin bottle he could get in that confusing and choking crowd in the bar of his living-room. When he observed the malicious glances and the growing giggles his suppoused friends where devoting him, a shy suspicion began growing in his mind between the alcoholic fumes of his only growing but quite big already drunkenness, stimulated by the vision of certain white rests that floated in the few gin that still was in his bottle, and acompained by the tremendous and, by moments, thunder-like boisterous laughs that were now the before small giggles. When that devilish substance began to show it's effects in his brain, mixed with the great quantity of alcohol that was taking control of his body, Willy saw himself in a nightmare world. Long forgotten enenies came back from the depths of his mind to pursue him once more. Meanwhile, his friends, with a mixture of astonishment and hilarity, saw him running from one side to the other of the room, jumping over the furniture... Would Willy escape from this allucinated and nightmare-like world, or would he finish in a madhouse? This is the version of Manic Miner I have made using the editors by Rick Swann that Blood typed and debuged. I hope you to enjoy it, and once you get tired of it,why don't you download the editors from: http://www.geocities/SiliconValley/lakes/6142/download.html and make your own version? The following is a list of the names of the rooms, with an approximate translation (when possible) and an explanation (if meaningful) -¡¡¡Soy Minerooo!!! - I´m a Mineeer!!! Extract from a VERY popular Spanish song. -Te Puedes Morir del Susto... - You Can Be Frightended To Death... -El Contraataque del Correcaminos - The Roadrunner's Counterattack -Un Par de Insufribles Animalejos - A Couple of Unbearable Nasty Animals -Villa Meona Useless to translate. You will not understand this. -El Club de las Cabezas Perfectas - The Perfect Heads Club God only made a few perfect heads. He covered the rest with hair. -¡Vuervan Acá, Mardito Roeore! I don't know how to translate this. One about Pixie, Dixie and Jinks. -La Entrada del Infierno - Hell's Gates -El Malebolge - The Malebolge -Andando por la Sierra de Aracena - Walking in the Mountains of Aracena -Conversación Telefónico-Suegril - Telephonic-Motherinlawly Conversation -La Venganza de Minos - Mino's Revenge -La Mare del Topo I'm NOT going to translate this one. -Cómo Coger un Ordenata en el CdC - How to Get a Computer at the CdC CdC = mega-massified computers room at the computer sciences and statistics campus of the Seville´s University -En los Dominios del Makinavaja - At the Makinavaja's Domains The most famous of all spanish comic bank robberers. -La Charca de los Ranobatracios - The Frogobatrachian's Pond -El Laboratorio de Genética - The Genetics Lab -Los Barbudos Mutantes Asesinos - The Killer Mutants Bearded Men -La Máquina de Tostar Mineros - The Miners Toasting Machine -El Último Dolor de Cabeza - The Last Headache Thanks to: -Mathew Smith, for the original and unvaluable Manic Miner. -Rick Swann, for the levels & sprites editors, and for his artickle 'How to hack' (available at, that was a great help when hacking the Manic Miner code (let's see if you are able of discovering what is that trick about). -Blood, for giving the editors to the net, and for that curious program, the BMP2SPEC (http://www.geocities/SiliconValley/lakes/6142/download.html), that I've used to make the loading screen (OK, it's not a very good loading screen, but I'm not so handsome either ;) ). I would also thank him for his moral support: thanks to him I've finished before the 2000. -Juan Antonio Moreno, for his fantastic emulator, the ZX-JAM (get it from, that I've used for almost the whole work. -Pedro Manuel Rodríguez Salas, for another great emulator, the SINCLAIR (you can download it from It's emulated memory editing facilities helped me a lot when hacking the code. -And to my brother Pablo, for his traduction into English of this file, who, poor little thing, begs for pardon. He did all his best. Ignacio Pérez Gil ( 4-16-1998, Seville, Spain.