The Empire Strikes Back ======================= The Empire Strikes Back ----------------------- This game is the official home computer version of the famous Empire Strikes Back coin-op. It is an interactive action game for one player. The Game -------- You command Luke Skywalker's snowspeeder vehicle and Han Solo's Millenium Falcon spacecraft. Your main goal is to reach the safety of the huge asteroid. To do this, you must reach the Rebel base on Hoth and escape to the skies. You must survive four levels of play to reach the huge asteroid. The first level of play will engage you in a battle on the surface of the Rebel hideout. Your goal, as Luke Skywalker on a snowspeeder is to stop the probots from sending pictures of the Rebels' power generator to Darth Vader. The second level of play continues with Luke Skywalker on his snowspeeder engaging in a spectacular battle against two types of imperial walkers. AT-ST walkers are small but very mobile. AT-AT walkers are huge and difficult to destroy with blasters. A limited number of two cables can be fired at AT-AT legs. The third level of play engages Han Solo in his Millenium Falcon amidst a turbulent asteroid field. Asteroids must be avoided to reach the safety of the huge asteroid. In all levels of play you must avoid colliding with objects and enemy shots, or your number of deflector shields will decrease. Also, in all levels of play you can earn bonus ppoints for exploding a certain number of targets. A JEDI letter will be awarded in addition to the bonus points. Once all the letters that spell out JEDI have been awarded, you will have attained true Jedi Force, which makes you invincible against all Dark Side forces for a limited amount of time. Game Controls ------------- The Snowspeeder/Millenium Falcon and firing/release of the tow cable can be controlled using Joystick or Keyboard. Choose your control option, and define the keys once the game has loaded - chosen keys and controls will be displayed on the title screen. Choosing The Level Of Difficulty -------------------------------- At the start of each new game, you have the option to choose between starting at level 1, 2 or 3 with a different starting score of 0, 100000 or 250000 respectively. Beginners are recommended to start at level 1. To choose the starting level, simply point the cursor at the appropriate icon and then press Fire. Good luck, and once again, may the Force be with you! Always. Note: Certain versions have a secret feature for you to discover. Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER) 128K/+2: Use 'Tape Loader' option from start-up menu. +3: Use 'Loader' option from start-up menu, ensure disk drive is empty then start tape.