IK+ === The Game -------- International Karate+ is a development of the original IK game. The main extra feature is that there are three fighting men on the screen at once. Control is referred to throughout as joystick although keys can be used. There are 17 different moves that can be made, all controlled by the joystick, and with practice all these moves can be executed smoothly in a flowing fight sequence without the man pausing momentarily in the standing stance. Every third round there is a bonus round, where the player has to use a small hand-held sheild to deflect balls bouncing towards him from all angles. Game Controls ------------- Up/Left - E, Up - R, Up/Right - E Option Selection ---------------- I - 1 Player, O - 2 Player, M - Toggle Music, N - Toggle Sound Effects The two player game is controlled by one on joystick, one on keyboard. Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER)