City Slicker ============ Introduction ------------ Hi - my name is Slick. Most dudes who know where it's at call me Slicker-City Slicker. I've been called in by... whoops! sorry, can't mention any names... to take the bang out of a bomb planted by Abru Cadabbra, that well known thorn in the side of decent living. You have been chosen to control my actions, the computer controls the action of 'Abru' and all other characters in the game. It's you and me partner - let's go... Objectives ---------- The object of the game is to defuse a bomb which has been planted in the Houses of Parliament by 'Abru' and which has been timed to go off at midnight. To defuse the bomb, there is a special M.O.D. gadget called a B.D.U. or Bomb Disassembly Unit which has to be put together by 'Slick' in order that he can rescue this perilous situation. The B.D.U. parts are scattered all over London and 'Slick' doesn't even know how many parts to collect. To build the B.D.U. he must take the components to his hideaway which is cleverly disguised in the Houses of Parliament. When the device has been completed. It will automatically change into a portable B.D.U. which 'Slick' can carry around with him and use In the Houses of Parliament to complete his vital task. Controlling Slick ----------------- 'Slick' can move left or right, jump and pickup and drop various objects. The jump height is governed by his energy status. Picking Up ---------- When 'Slick' collides with certain scenery, objects or animated characters, the item's name will appear in the pickup status window. If the pickup key is pressed down when this happens and the item is an object which can be picked up, then, providing 'Slick' is holding fewer than six items, it will be added to the inventory. If the item cannot be picked up, then its function may vary, for instance, it may be an exit or entrance and in this case 'Slick' will pass through it. Dropping Items -------------- The name of the item to be dropped is displayed in the inventory. It is only possible to drop items in areas with a clear background. To change the current item when holding two or more items press the PAUSE key and by using left or right, select the required Item. Pressing PAUSE again will restart the game with the newly selected item being displayed in the inventory. Energy ------ Energy is controlled by various factors. 'Slick' obeys the normal laws of gravity, and so when he falls from a great height he is hurt and loses energy. There are many hostile things in the game environment that means loss of energy when 'Slick' touches them. At the start of the game, three pep pills are displayed at the lower left of the screen. At any time 'Slick' can use one of these to boost his energy by pressing PAUSE and then pick up key simultaneously with the ENTER key. Food also appears at intervals throughout the game. Game Characters --------------- The other characters In the game have different characteristics. They can jump over obstructions, pick up objects, go through doors, throw objects, follow 'Slick', run away from 'Slick', be a general nuisance or push 'Slick' around. If a character picks up something that you want (perhaps a part for you B.D.U.) then you will see it disappear from the screen and the only way to get it from him is either by picking up and dropping him from a height or by dropping a heavyweight on him. This will make him release the object and then if you are quick enough, you can snatch it before he tries to pick it up again. The Tube -------- To enter the Tube, walk 'Slick' over a Tube entrance and press a pick up key. 'Slick' will now be on the Tube station platform with the name of the current station displayed at the top of the Display Board. Walk Slick' to the door of the train, press a pick up key and he will board the train. After a short delay the door will close and the train will advance to the station on the Display Board. To get off the train press a Drop key when the train door is open. Leave the station via the exit door. The Clock And The End Of The Game --------------------------------- The clock starts at 8.00 a.m. and has an hourly chime from Big 5en until 12.00 p.m. at which time the bomb will go off and 'Slick' will have failed. This is the usual end of the game, but it is also possible for the game to end in a more sinister way - namely an encounter with Abru Cadabbral Abru is on 'Slick's' trail and if he catches him it is instant death and the end of the game. Game Controls ------------- Q - Left, W - Right, SPACE - Jump, H - Pick up, S - Drop A - Toggle Pause, ENTER - Toggle Sound, BREAK - Reset Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER)