THE CRYSTAL CAVERN by Harry Capeling Many years have passed since the untimely death of the great and good King Arthur, and that short-lived era of chivalry and equal justice is but a distant memory. You are just a casual observer of this sad decline, until one night while weaving home from “The Jolly Leper” you trip over a large pebble. Struggling to your feet you are confronted by a white-bearded apparition with piercing blue eyes. “Do not be alarmed stranger, I am the shade of Merlin the great Magician, and only I can restore England to its former glory!” “That accursed Lady of the Lake – Nimue bewitched me into the Crystal Cavern, and imprisoned me there. If you can find and restore to me my five magical artifacts – my wand, cloak, shoes, hat and grimoire, that she stole from me, I will reward you with fabulous treasures. But take heed, Nimue has set many traps and sentinels to block your way!” “You must also travel on the River of Time to find some of my possessions. I have placed some useful objects to help you in your quest. Go to the Tregellen Falls to find the entrance to the Cavern, but beware the Stone Demon who never sleeps....” The vision fades and you lurch back to the tavern. Just as you hastily pass the privy another phantom appears (double vision?). This time it is a gorgeous lady in shimmering white with hair as black as a raven’s wing. “Do not believe the lies of that devil Merlin! The Doom of the World will never be free as long as I – Nimue live. If you dare to seek the Crystal Cavern you will curse the dung-grader who fathered you! If you are very lucky and discover the truth we shall meet again on the Isle of Avalon.” She disappears and you stagger into the tavern to savage a firkin of mead. You are undecided but the lure of the loot is too much, and the next day you set out for the Tregellen Falls. USEFUL WORDS & TIPS USUAL DIRECTIONS: NORTH, SOUTH, NORTH-WEST (N, S, NW, etc.) EXAM(INE), I(NVENTORY), SAVE, LOAD, RAMS(AVE), RAML(OAD), GET, DROP, WAIT, LOOK, PICS ON, PICS OFF, WEAR, REMOVE, SCORE (given in %), TURNS, HELP. Points are gained for getting artifacts and solving problems. WRITTEN USING THE QUILL, ILLUSTRATOR & PATCH.