Adventure In Bristol Adventure in Bristol is a game in which you must go around the centre of Bristol finding clues, and ultimately performing the action that will halt the adventure. You begin outside the SS Great Britain and you already have the first clue. You must read the clue before you get the next and you may only read a clue once. The adventure must be complete in 90 minutes - this is not real time - different actions take different amounts of time. TIME tells you how much time has passed and WAIT lets 5 minutes pass (you will need this!) The language interpreter allows two word (verb-noun) entry and prepositions may be used with LOOK. Some words like LOOK, MONEY, TIME do not require a noun. All words can be shortened (EXAMINE may become EXAM or EX, but not E which will be interpreted as EAST). The interpreter will always take the first match it can find, but it does not search alphabetically, so be careful. The vocabulary used is not very large (about 50 or 60 words) so you will often get the response 'I DONT KNOW THE WORD "word"'. However, typing LOOK DOWN BUS will tell you that the computer does not know what DOWN means which it does, since DOWN is a direction. The reason for this is that some words are only recognised in a certain context, enabling the computer to interpret more quickly. It is not possible to delete errors, so press ENTER if you go wrong and retype the sentence. To RUN type LOAD "BRISTOL" and start the tape. WARNING: Do not press BREAK as the program will crash.