NIHILIST (Electric Dreams) LOADING Ensure the cassette is fully rewound. Type LOAD"" and then ENTER, then start the tape. This cassette can be loaded on 128K machine from the "tape loader". INTRODUCTION The setting for NIHILIST is a seven-level mechanized complex patrolled by droids of eight different ranks: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Lambda, Pi and Omega. The player starts as an Alpha-droid, the lowest. By killing as many other droids as possible, the player advances his status through the other ranks. Droids may be killed by using any of the weapons that the player can find (initially you are unarmed). Firing a weapon drains energy, the amount depending on the class of the weapon. You can also destroy lower-ranking or equal droids by ramming them. However, impact with superior droids will drain your energy. So your first task is to search for the weapons rooms (which are heavily guarded). Impact with Omega-droids is always fatal, even if you have attained Omega-status. Some areas are linked by airport-style automatic doors, which open as you approach them. There are also forcefields blocking the access to certain areas of the complex - to disable these you will need to increase your clearance by locating forcefield passes. Impacts with forcefields will also cause energy loss. When your energy falls to zero, your droid is destroyed. You can recharge your droid's energy by interfacing with an ioniser; the game starts with your droid next to one, and there's one on each level. However, when an ioniser has been completely discharged, it becomes unstable and will then drain your energy if you try to interface. A faster way to move around the complex is by using the teleport system. A transmitter tile has arrows pointing towards it, while a receiver tile has arrows pointing away from it. No matter how many droids you kill, the only way to attain Omega status is to drain all seven ionisers of their energy. At this point you are promoted immediately to an Omega-droid and receive a Meson Interruptor - the only weapon that can kill the other four Omega- droids that are patrolling the complex. However, the Meson Interruptor severely drains your energy, and since you can no longer recharge at the unstable ionisers, this weapon must be used carefully if you are to complete your mission of destruction and achieve the ultimate status of NIHILIST. GAME CONTROLS The droid is operated with four direction controls and a fire button. Players may use a suitable joystick, or the following keyboard equivalents: LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN FIRE Z X L Symbol Enter Shift The space bar provides a pause/unpause function. The fire button is used on the different types of special floor tile as follows: [see NIHILIST.GIF for icons] [TELEPORT] Teleport to the [PASS] Obtain a forcefield matching receiver tile pass from the pass-tile [WEAPON] Exchange the current [SCREEN] Access the terminal weapon with the one screen for information on the weapon-tile and clues If the droid is not standing on any of the above floor tiles, then pressing FIRE will fire the current weapon in the direction of travel. (c) 1987 Electric Dreams Software