Sokoban ======= Brief ----- "I've seen poops you people wouldn't believe... push disks on fire off beyond Cambridge. I watched bones glitter in the dark near the common graves. All those moments will be lost in time, like bytes in microdrives. Time for Sokoban." Introduction ------------ After the ZeXus-6 project disaster, the Corporation couldn't fail again. Not if it wanted to hold onto its dominion of the market. So it was that the engineers decided to set down their designs on Genetics, and return again to Robotics. This science was less advanced, but their clients would be more satisfied with their results after the 'explicant' failure. The new JCN-7000 robot series would allow humans to avoid all kind of dangerous jobs: power station operation, cargo loading and unloading, cemeteries conservation, disinfecting surgeries and, naturally, removing dog shit from parks... It was envisaged that, if the KCN-7000 was a commerical success, all those past events that had damaged the Corporation's reputation would be forgiven. Using ancient technology, the Corporation would allow mankind to build a brilliant future. Or not...? Playing Sokoban --------------- Sokoban is a logical game. Your mission consists of solving 99 levels. You control the JCN-7000 robot. It has to push objects off to their destination on-screen. You must be careful, because a wrong movement can block your progress, meaning you must restart the level. Follow these rules to avoid making mistakes: 1. The objects can only be pushed, you *cannot* pull them. 2. An object can be pushed only if there is an empty space behind it. You can only push one object at a time. Each time you clear a level, the game will give you a password to continue Sokoban from there the next time you play. You can choose between seven graphic sets to play Sokoban: Screws, oh shit!, graveyard, surgeon, the tower, futurist and spectrum. Hints And Tips -------------- The first Sokoban levels are useful to learn the game system. If you get stuck, remember to have patience. Perhaps you'll solve the next one more easily. Menus ----- The main menu has the following options: 1. Start Game 2. Load Level (Requires passwords) 3. Options 4. Game Credits The Options Section ------------------- In the options section you can configure the following aspects of the game: 1. Controls Sokoban can be played with cursor keys, Kempston, Sinclair 1 or Sinclair 2 joystick. 2. Change Graphic Set 3. Undos 4. Background (Activate/Deactivate the on-screen background during the game) 5. Music On/Off 0. Return To Main Menu Game Controls ------------- The keyboard controls are: O - Left, P - Right, Q - Up, A - Down SPACE BAR - Undo last movement E - Pause/Options Menu During play, press E to access a short options menu. On this menu: Z - Change Set, X - Restart, C - Continue, V - Menu Game Credits ------------ (C) Compiler Soft Coding: Miguel G. Prada Graphics & Loading Screen: Javier Vispa Mur Music: Federico J. Alvarez Valero Level Design: Evgeny Grigoriev, David W. Skinner, David Muriel, Javier Vispa Mur, Juan Pablo Lopez-Grao, Miguel A. Garcia Prada Cover: Juan Jesus Gomez Hinestrosa Promotional Video: Pedro J. de Celis Benito Greetings: Josetxu Malanda, Jose Leandro Novellon, Juan Pablo Lopez-Grao