Speccy Bros. ============ The Storyline ------------- True love. It was love at first sight. Her dark, ebony form and curiously cold flesh, touched almost every night now, were an instant addiction to our normally cold-hearted hero, Nick. She wasn't too bright, and could hardly boast a colourful character, yet he loved her. Nothing could part him from her. When Tom, his brother, was challenged to scale the traitorous heights of a perilous kingdom of ice and snow, to rescue two lost princesses, our hero barely batted an eyelid. "Not today," he said. "I'm busy." When Tom, his brother, was surrounded by fire-breathing lizard monsters, our hero said: "Not now. I need to POKE some more." When Tom, his brother, was being stomped on by a giant scaly, sharp fanged monstrosity, our hero said: "Not now. I'm playing with my joystick." When Tom, his brother, eventually killed the foul beasts at the top of that snowy world, rescued his princess, returned to his kingdom, settled down to marry, got drunk, had very good sex, got bored, argued with his wife, left again to look for adventure, returned to the traitorous kingdom above, culled all the wild creatures he encountered, re-killed all the foul giants above until they were more dead, rescued the second princess, had a fling, got her pregnant, brought her back, married her in secret, introduced her to his first wife, then had a jolly good threesome, before settling himself down to a nice cup of tea, our hero said: "Do you mind?! I'm trying to do stuff with this Jet Set F**king Willy!!!" Who was this mysterious love, that so captivated our hero?! The second wife of Tom had had enough. Not content with secret marriages, interesting threesomes, or English tea, she decided to act. She could understand 'retro'; she had once owned a Commodore. It lacked the slender form of this beauty, and reminded her of "brown", for some reason. Brown was a noble colour though, a practical colour, a colour that reminded her of earthy things, like a potato, or other things that belonged in the ground. Commodore had at least the dignity to bury their long dead offspring, but this "darling" was 30 years old now...and with a title and dress sense that looked like something right out of a gay pride parade. Disgusting. Tsk tsk. Something had to be done. If she was going to dump Tom for Nick, she'd first have to do away with Nick's "True Love". But where to dump that cold flattened body. Now that was a tricky one. And then it dawned on her - of course!!! He'd never bothered to go up there for her. Surely, he didn't know the terrain, and he'd never faced the creatures that Tom had encountered back in that terrible kingdom. And so it happened: the day when Nick's True Love was taken... Terrible things happened after that day. Nick was a changed man. Playing The Game ---------------- Anyone who has played the original SnowBros arcade game will already be familiar with the mechanics of this game. Guide Nick through the snowy kingdom, conquering each screen by killing the enemies that inhabit it. Hang around too long, and the dreaded "Pumpkin" man will arise to harass our hero. Enemies are killed in two ways: Either by rolling them, or squashing them. To roll an enemy, turn him into a snowball by first throwing snow on him. While being covered, the enemy will remain trapped and motionless for a brief duration. When completely covered, while resembling a snowball, the enemy can be rolled by pushing him with fire held down. The enemy will then roll down screen until he had no where left to roll, before dissipating. While in motion, rolling enemy snowballs may squash other enemies encountered. Enemies squashed by rolling snowballs, will yield useful pickup items. The value and use of such items depends on the enemy squashed and upon how many such enemies were squashed at a time. Anyone skillful enough to squash all the screen enemies in one go, will be rewarded huge cash bonuses!!! Aside from squashing other enemies when rolled, trapped enemy snowballs are also useful for reaching hard to reach places. Our hero can stand on Snowballs, just as he can stand on other in-game platforms. Snowballs can also be stacked, to a limited degree - something that "might" prove handy if looking for a safe place at the end of the game (hint, hint). Within the game, you will also encounter three enemy bosses. As in the original arcade game, rolling trapped enemy snowballs at them will do them more damage than merely throwing pelts of snow. Conquer all that this snowy wilderness can throw at you, and you may just meet your true love again. Good Luck! Loading ------- LOAD "" (ENTER) On the 128K Spectrum, select the "Tape Loader" option (usually the top option). Then press ENTER to load. The game should work fine in 128k mode, USR0 mode & 48k mode.