LOADING To load press LOAD””CODE. Press PLAY on your cassette recorder. The programme will now load automatically. (The programme is recorded on both sides of the tape. In case of loading difficulty, turn the tape over, rewind to the beginning, and load again.) CONTROLS Number and cursor keys. Press 0 to move block 10, other blocks as numbered. CAPS SHIFT and Q together to start a new game. GAME The object of the game is to remove the large red block through the hole at the bottom of the puzzle. This is achieved by moving the blocks into spaces left by the movement of other blocks. On skill levels 2-5, if you take too long to make your move, the computer will move a block of it’s choice. (This will always be against the best interest of the player.) The higher the skill level, the less time you have to make your move. If you make an illegal move, the computer will warn you. Do it too often and you are in for a nasty surprise. When the frustration gets too great, send a S.A.E. stating where and when you bought the game and we will send you the solution. But please don’t ask unless you have been trying for at least a month! ZAFIRO SOFTWARE DIVISION Paseo de la Castellana, 141 28046 Madrid Tel. 459 30 04 Télex 22690 ZAFIR E Imprinte: INDUGRAF MADRID, S.A. – Alcorcón (Madrid)