Harrier Attack ============== Harrier Attack -------------- You are in an RAF Harrier. The aim of the game is to travel all the way across the map back to your aircraft carrier, while destroying as many enemy installations as possible on the way, using your bombs and missiles, and also staying alive. The top two-thirds of the screen show your view of the world, and the bottom third shows you your current information, including speed and ammunition. To start the game, you must select the difficulty level, which determines the height of the mountains, the number of enemies, and the speed of the game. It does get very fast on the higher levels! You start the game parked on your aircraft carrier. Once you have taken off (by pressing up), you will start to fly to the right. Should you accidently (or not) bomb your carrier, then it will not be there when you come round again at the end, so you will not be able to land. You must then use your bombs and missiles to destroy as many enemies as possible. They range from aircraft, battleships, AA guns and tanks. All of these will be shooting missiles and flak at you constantly, and the planes may also try to crash into you. Should you get far enough, you will reach the city. This is very poorly defended, and you can have a real bombing spree on this, destroying everything and gaining as many points as possible. Just make sure you have enough left. Game Controls ------------- A variety of joysticks can be used and the keyboard control is redefinable. Left and right control your speed, up and down control your height, and you can also fire missiles and drop bombs. Hints And Tips -------------- Remember not to fly too fast otherwise you will run out of fuel before you reach your aircraft carrier. Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER)