(instr front) HOTFOOT FOR ANY SPECTRUM Microsphere Computer Services Ltd. 1983. Made in England CREVASSE The long hard winter on the polar ice-cap is finally ending. You receive news that your supply ship has anchored, and, looking forward to seeing another human being for the first time in months, you jump into your ice-buggy and head off across the frozen wastes towards it. But spring is warmer than ever before. The pack-ice starts shifting beneath you. On all sides chasms groan open, and then as quickly as they came, they grind shut. One false move and you will disappear into the ice forever...... HOTFOOT A small rabbit has just woken from a winter's hibernation. He yawns, stretches himself, and sticks a little grey nose out of his burrow to sniff the fresh air of spring. Meanwhile, in the countryside around, thin hunger-crazed foxes are roaming. They have just spent the entire winter trying to find the rabbit's burrow, without success! But they also have noticed spring in the air, and know that very soon the rabbit will come scampering out in search of carrots. What the foxes don't know is that this time you are there to help the rabbit eat the carrots and then get back to his burrow safely - at least that's what you told the rabbit! Microsphere Computer Services Ltd., 72, Rosebery Road, London N10 2LA. Tel 01-883-9411 Loading The Program To load each program proceed as follows:- 1) Set the volume control of your cassette recorder to somewhere near the middle. Rewind the cassette (label side up) to the beginning of the tape. 2) Connect the EAR socket of the cassette player to the EAR socket of the Spectrum. Make sure that there is nothing in the MIC socket of the computer. 3) Type in LOAD "crevasse" or LOAD "hotfoot" depending on which game you want. (The LOAD is obtained simply by pressing the "J" key rather than typing in the individual letters. The quotes are obtained by pressing SYMBOL SHIFT and the "P" keys at the same time.) 4) Pressing ENTER and start your cassette recorder playing. If the tape fails to load, try again with slightly different volume levels. If it still fails to load, send it back to MICROSPHERE at the address above for replacement. (instr back) Playing CREVASSE At the start of the game the ice has only just started to break up, but as time goes on more and more chasms appear. Luckily you have the latest thing in ice-buggies to travel around in. Designed for manoeuvrability, in the hands of an expert these vehicles can get through very small gaps indeed. You steer the ice-buggy by using the 5,6,7 and 8 keys. (The keys have arrows on them so that you can see which direction it will move in). When you first reached the ice-cap you were given ten of them. Lose all ten and you'll have to walk back to civilisation! You score by getting across the ice from one side of the screen to the other. If you do it very quickly you may even get a bonus! Obviously, the more chasms there are the more difficult it is to get across safely, and the more you will score if you do manage it. However, remember that you are on your own, and if you don't make it all the way across to tell the program to give you some more points, then nobody else will. Playing HOTFOOT At the beginning of each round of Hotfoot you will see the rabbit sitting in its burrow and hear its stomach rumbling. Being a clever rabbit, he has hidden the entrance to the burrow well - so well in fact, that the moment he moves away from it, even he has difficulty in finding it again. You had better memorise where the burrow is so that later you can help the rabbit get back to it. All around the burrow are fields which continually change colour as the rabbit's enemies move around. The rabbit remembers that last year the farmer planted carrots in some of the fields. These fields are indicated by numbers, and the number tells you how many carrots are left in the field for the rabbit to eat. Unfortunately the rabbit never had a proper education, and is always confusing his "1"s and his "9"s. So, wherever you see a question mark, there might either be 1 or 9 carrots - you won't know until you get there. You can make the rabbit hop by using 5,6,7 and 8 keys.(the keys have arrows on them to show you which direction he will move in). From the burrow the rabbit can hop quite safely into any field. But from then on the foxes have picked up his scent and his route is filled with danger. He can only move with safety between fields of the same colour. So, if the field he is in changes to yellow, he can only hop on to another yellow field etc. etc. The rabbit has to be wary of staying in one place too long, as this makes it easy for the foxes to close in on him. Luckily the foxes are noisy, and make a sound that gets higher in pitch as they get closer. As well as this, some kind soul has arranged for a bar of colour to move across the bottom of the screen as the foxes approach.(Just in case there are any deaf rabbits out there!) On each journey out of the burrow the rabbit must eat the carrots from at least one of the fields. Of course, he can really stuff himself and eat everything in sight if he wants to. However, the more he eats the plumper and tastier he gets, and so it becomes easier for the foxes to spot him, and he has to hop around faster to avoid them. The only refuge is back in the burrow ... now ... where was it? This program and documentation, its content, game principles and graphical presentation is copyright Microsphere Computer Services Ltd. 1983. It may not be reproduced, translated or transmitted, in part or in whole, by any means or in any form, without the express permission of the copyright holder. Penalties for infringement of copyright are high. This program is sold subject to the condition that it will not be lent or hired out.