The Search For The Wonderful Whotsit ==================================== The Search For The Wonderful Whotsit ------------------------------------ There are known to be five Wonderful Whotsits in existence and over many years you have managed to acquire four of them. You desperately want to locate the fifth to complete your collection. As it happens, you've heard on the grapevine that the fifth one is somewhere in the vicinity of the local village, Leaky Bottom. With your adrenalin flowing, and your heart thumping, you decide to go find it and you start in the lounge of your palatial home... Playing The Game ---------------- Directions can be abbreviated to N, S, E, W, NE, SW, NE, SW, U and D. All standard commands are understood - the following is a selection of verbs and their abbreviations where applicable. G ... GET/TAKE X ... EXAMINE Q ... QUIT RS ... RAMSVE LUND ... LOOK UNDER LOBE ... LOOK BEHIND LOOP UP/AROUND FEEL GIVE I ... INVENTORY SR ... SEARCH R ... REDESCRIBE RL ... RAMLOAD LOTH ... LOOK THROUGH LOIN ... LOOK IN LEAN/PROP SING SCORE Loading ------- 128K Only. Use Loader option.