Maths Parts 1 and 2 are exciting and stimulating programs for 9-13 year olds. You will be amazed that your computer can be used to assist mathematics learning rather than playing space invaders. With these programs your child will actually enjoy mathematics. Each package consists of five fabulous programs and a booklet of explanatory notes. Maths Part 1 Program Name Side A SYMMETRY fractions shape Side B factors battleship Maths Part 2 Side A LEMONADE angle glass Side B PERCENTAGE hanoi The programs in this series have been specifically chosen for their suitability for computer-assisted learning. They have been regularly used in schools and are approved by teachers. They have been comprehensively "crash-proofed" against the possibility of inappropriate inputs and are fully documented. The BBC version is disc drive compatible. They are a real asset to all pupils in the 9-13 age range. Please note the BREAK key must not be pressed on disc or Econet-based machines. Symmetry -------- This program allows you to draw symmetrical shapes on the screen using either line symmetry (mirror symmetry) or rotational symmetry. It is probably best to let the computer draw the shape as you go on at first to get a feel for how the program works. Line symmetry is obtained when you hold a shape up to a mirror, e.g. [] In the program it is possible to have one (as above) or two lines of symmetry. [] Rotational Symmetry is obtained when you take a shape and rotate a copy of it through some angle repeatedly. It is probably best demonstrated by some examples. The Order of rotational symmetry is the number of times you have to rotate the shape to get it to map onto itself. The above shape has rotational symmetry of order 4. [] This shape has rotational symmetry of order 6 (snowflakes have rotational symmetry of order 6) It is interesting to note the angle you need to turn the shape through for different orders of rotational symmetry. For a shape with rotational symmetry of order 4 you need to turn through an angle of 90 degrees because 90 = 360/4. (Remember 360 degrees is one whole turn). For a shape with rotational symmetry of order 8 you need to turn through an angle of 45 degrees because 45 degrees = 360/8. A final note. This program is *fun*. It is possible to make some quite beautiful designs using line and rotational symmetry. Fractions --------- This program helps you to estimate the size of fractions. The program gives you two fractions and asks "Which is bigger?" If you are not sure, just wait and after a few seconds the computer will give you a diagram to help. [] The fractions are always written in words at the top of the screen and in numbers at the bottom so it will help you fit the two together. After five questions, the computer will give you a score. If you do it well, it will make the next questions a bit harder. Name That Shape --------------- This program helps you to remember the name of mathematical shapes. The computer gives you five questions at a time. On each question it will draw a shape and ask you to choose its name from a list of three underneath. [] If you choose the wrong shape, the computer will show you what your choice looks like. After five questions, the computer will give you a score. Factors ------- This program gives you practice in finding the Factors of a number. The factors of a number are all the numbers that go into it without any remainder. For example, the Factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12. The program will choose a number and show a list of 12 or more numbers below. You have to choose which of the numbers in the list are Factors of the first number. [] If you find the right choice a balloon will carry your number into the factors bucket. After five questions, the computer will give you a score. Battleships ----------- This is a computerised version of the standard co-ordinates game. The computer draws a ten by ten grid and hidden somewhere on it are two battleships, three cruisers and four destroyers. By typing in the co-ordinates of the square you want to fire at you have to sink the ships. Remember the co-ordinates are made up of two numbers. The X co-ordinate or ACROSS number, and the Y co-ordinate or UP number. The computer will show you if you have hit something. Game Credits ------------ Details of other programs in this series and other educational programs can be obtained from your software supplier or from: SCISOFT, 5 Minster Gardens, Newthorpe, Eastwood, Notts. NG16 2AT Loading ------- CHAIN"" (RETURN)