Step-by-Step Basic ================== Information ----------- Step by Step BASIC BBC Micro/Electron edition, Richard Freeman Step by Step BASIC is a new, simple, approach to learning computer programming. The whole book is based on thirty five study sessions with your micro. Each session includes: Special keyboard ACTIVITIES which help you explore the micro and learn from it. There are nearly fifty of these ACTIVITIES in the book. Simple DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMS each of which helps you understand one new key idea. A SUMMARY section to emphasise what you need to remember. These SUMMARIES are also an easy to use reference collection. A TEST YOURSELF section. Full answers appear at the back of the book. Step by Step BASIC also helps you learn to plan programs and lay them out in a clear format. Unlike most other beginners' books, it introduces procedures very early on. Then it shows you how to use these to keep your programs clear and simple. The book covers all the key BASIC statements and gives ample coverage of colour, sound and graphics. It also provides a good introduction to handling words and files of data. There are four useful appendices, including a table of all the 256 patterns that you can use to build up your own graphics characters. Step by Step BASIC is written by the author of Structured BASIC on the BBC Micro and Beyond BASIC: 6502 Assembly Language Programming on the BBC Micro. First Sentence -------------- Does programming have to be difficult?