Sas === Features -------- 1. Startling hi-res action for the Dragon 32 2. Helicopter gunships 3. 9 minefields 4. Armed patrols 5. Enemy bases 6. Wire-guided missiles 7. Grenades 8. Night action feature 9. Increasing difficulty 10. High score 11. Astounding sound 12. Full mission briefing in program Mission Briefing ---------------- Attention. Surprise raid carried out on Enemy HQ after parachute drop. Vital documents seized but rescue helicopter shot down by enemy. You sole survivor. Back-up launch waiting in Plato Bay. Chances slim. Nine minefields to cross, and enemy searching with helicopter gunships. Enemy bases defend minefields, and armed guards patrol perimeter. You have seized a mine detector and are armed with 10 percussion grenades. Hold down the cursor keys to move over the minefields and the detector will register mines ahead, left and right. By pressing G, you can throw a grenade; detonating these mines and knocking out an adjacent enemy base. If you then move into the base, you can use the captured wire-guided missiles to attack the nearest helicopter by pressing F. Hints ----- Do not try to occupy a base without attacking it first with your grenades. The helicopters and the guard will fire if you are in range. If you reach the end of the minefield you can surprise the guard and seize extra grenades. Destroying a mine scores 10 points. Destroying a helicopter or base scores 100 points. At the foot of the mission simulator screen will be seen a visual representation of the number of remaining hours of daylight. The display on the right is activated when you occupy an enemy base. It shows the number of missiles remaining and when one is ready to fire, or in flight. When night falls, you must proceed in the dark, relying on the signals from your mine detector, the lights on the helicopters and bases, and the perimeter lights. Remember -------- 1. Hold down the arrow keys to move. 2. G to destroy mines or base 3. At least one base must be desotryed on each minefield 4. F to launch missile when you have captures a base. 5. Retreat at your peril! Who Dares, Wins! Loading ------- CLOAD (ENTER) RUN (ENTER) This program includes machine code. Before attempting to reprogram your Dragon, switch off the power to completely clear the memory. Note there is a short pause before the game starts.